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The iPad - Apple's Take On The Tablet Computer


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I saw this on the news a few minutes ago and I thought it was a pretty awesome idea

They said that you can use them for ordering food, instead of a waiter getting your order you pick what you want on the iPad and someone brings it to you.

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^ Agreed. Although I love my MacBook Pro, that i5 processor will burn the sh*t out of your leg after you've been watching porn for a couple hours.




I own a laptop, an iPhone, an iPad, and they definitely each a unique item. They all have their own benefits and advantages. I use all three a lot. I absolutely love the iPad and use it a ton. It really is a perfect fit between a laptop and the iPhone. The iPhone is too small for some games and apps, while the laptop is too big, heavy, and power hungry for other applications. Sure it isn't for some, but there are obviously some great reasons why it is so successful.

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^ Agreed. Although I love my MacBook Pro, that i5 processor will burn the sh*t out of your leg after you've been watching porn for a couple hours.




How did I leave that out??? Downloading 1 and watching 1 simultaneously takes a toll on the processor.


I own a laptop, an iPhone, an iPad, and they definitely each a unique item. They all have their own benefits and advantages. I use all three a lot. I absolutely love the iPad and use it a ton. It really is a perfect fit between a laptop and the iPhone. The iPhone is too small for some games and apps, while the laptop is too big, heavy, and power hungry for other applications. Sure it isn't for some, but there are obviously some great reasons why it is so successful.


Agreed. Not to mention it's a GREAT learning tool for children. My 4 year old loves the iPad.

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  • 11 months later...

It's that time of year again. Looks like the Ipad 3 is going to be announced tomorrow so i thought I would revive this thread. This will be my first iPad, considering that I'm a bit of an Android fanboy it is a big move for me. I had actually attempted to buy the Asus Transformer Prime eariler in the year, but after getting three defective models and reading about all the other problems people were having, I decided to wait for the iPad. I'm hoping this thing can work as a laptop replacement for most functions. I've got my work desktop which is great, but I need something portable that I can take with me to meet with clients and for inside the courtroom. This seems like it will fit that need pretty well. Not to mention that during the time I'm not working, a tablet just seems like a pretty awesome toy!

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