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For what does "LSHoF" stand????

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^Oh but they have!


We discovered a 'new' roller coaster in the middle of the city of Chengdu, China. We emailed Duane and told him that it's name was Laser Snake Horse on Fire. For some reason he didn't believe it.


Personally, as yet another generic chinese kiddie coaster, I feel that as the discoverers we should get to English name it!!!!!

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Laser Snake Horse on Fire. It was the name of (I believe) Wes' photoshopped idea of what eventually became Diamondback.


EDIT: Found the link.




For the sake of total accuracy, the name was a combination of every theming idea people thought the ride was going to be. KI did a good job of trying to trick people, so their teasers had references to snakes, horses, and something about like laser vision or infrared. The Photoshop was done solely as a joke to make people calm down about the name and theme at the time. I added the "On Fire" bit, because everything is better on fire. Glad it stuck around!

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Laser Snake Horse on Fire. It was the name of (I believe) Wes' photoshopped idea of what eventually became Diamondback.


EDIT: Found the link.




For the sake of total accuracy, the name was a combination of every theming idea people thought the ride was going to be. KI did a good job of trying to trick people, so their teasers had references to snakes, horses, and something about like laser vision or infrared. The Photoshop was done solely as a joke to make people calm down about the name and theme at the time. I added the "On Fire" bit, because everything is better on fire. Glad it stuck around!


They were even turned into the most popular t-shirt on the market!



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^Oh but they have!


We discovered a 'new' roller coaster in the middle of the city of Chengdu, China. We emailed Duane and told him that it's name was Laser Snake Horse on Fire. For some reason he didn't believe it.


Personally, as yet another generic chinese kiddie coaster, I feel that as the discoverers we should get to English name it!!!!!


Hell, why not? Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci got to name America, why can't you christen an unnamed kiddie coaster "Laser Snake Horse on Fire"?

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