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Roller Coaster Kingdom

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I started playing a new game on Facebook called Roller Coaster Kingdom. You can build your own theme park and unlock new rides as you gain more experience.


I'm liking the game so far but I only started playing it a few days ago. I was curious if any other TPR members are playing? What do you guys think of it?

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I stopped playing when I realised that it forces you to choose a friend to operate your rides etc and then notifies them that you have chosen them. I could not find a way to turn off this "feature."


All Facebook apps do this. I think you have to block the application in order to stop getting these messages. You can hit the undo button when the message pops up, but from what I've read, that doesn't block the message. I'm not so sure whether or not blocking the apps will prevent you from accessing the app though.


As for the friends operating the rides, I'm not sure about this. IIRC, Facebook doesn't allow apps that automatically force you to invite/add friends. You could report the app if it violates Facebook's app TOS...


EDIT: As for the game itself, the game seemed interesting when I saw it in the directory, but I decided not play the app because I wasn't sure if it would be an addictive time-waster like Farmville or a lame game that I would only spend 15 minutes on before I get bored.

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I'm getting kinda frustrated about the fact that you have to buy busses to bring people to your park. I miss people just being able to come to my park on their own. Now I need to wait 8 hours for my tour busses to arrive.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been playing it since its' infancy.


I don't care for a few of the changes that they've implemented (booking tours, not having a customer rating, etc...), but I've stuck with it.


I should hit level 25 (currently the highest level w/415,000 XP) in about an hour when my parking lot full of mini-vans becomes available. Also sitting on about 4.2 million coins. All I can do is hope for higher levels, so it'll all be about racking up coins for awhile.


Remember, the game is still listed as a "beta" version, so there glitches that happen, and many updates/upgrades that happen almost daily. When that happens the server goes down for about 30-45 minutes as they implement their changes. Just don't get all upset over it (over the last month, I've probably been screwed out of over a million coins), like the people on their boards do (OMG - it's hilarious!!)


It's just a damn game.


But, I enjoy it, as it's FREE!!!


Feel free to add me if you need more neighbors.




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I gave it a try a couple months ago. After about two weeks, I abandoned the game because I didn't have enough time to manage four games (this, FarmVille, YoVille, and Restaurant City) along with schoolwork. Since I had made the most progress on FarmVille, I chose to stick with that one only. It is only fun for a maximum of about three weeks until you get bored of it. In comparison, I've been playing the RCT games since the year the first game came out and have never gotten bored of them.

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  • 3 months later...

I stopped playing this a couple months ago. I kept forgetting about the busses in my parking lot. I'd put them in and come back a few days later only to find that they were mad and would leave. Trying to work that out with my sporadic schedule was just more trouble than it was worth. I also didn't really care for some of the newer changes in the game anyway.

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I been played on my facebook but Roller Coaster Kingdom is pretty crap game because the park isn't make a big space from tiny acres and there no track construction that is so boring. I love to playing FarmVille, Treasure Madness and Zoo World also one is very good game. I got a new Laptop now from my mother is bought it for me last week ago on Valentine day and i get rid of crap old computer because on last year ago has broken down.

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