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Boulderdash Is Trimmed!

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Its official, I went to Lake Compounce today. At the beginning of the formerly awesome swoop turn before that part GCI redid, there is now a noticable trim. Its so bad it actually jerks you forward in your seat!


The final hills are still deliver pretty good air, but that turn is just kind of... meh...





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If I remember correctly, wasn't the ride running a bit too fast during the first half of the back helix section at a sustained 2G turn which ended up tearing up the track. Like Robb said, they mentioned to us that they would have to brake it at some point due to it was tearing itself apart. I am glad I was able to ride it last summer, because it did become my new #1 coaster. I would be curious to see if it stays in that position the next time I ride it.

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WHAT! NO! It can't be true! If they did, it better be un-trimmed for the Ocboulderfest. I'm not driving down to CT for crawling over boulders.


Dont worry, before that turn Dash is still its old airtime filled self.


The final hills are a little slower but not much. Now its a little slower, still some awesome airtime.

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WHAT! NO! It can't be true! If they did, it better be un-trimmed for the Ocboulderfest. I'm not driving down to CT for crawling over boulders.


Dont worry, before that turn Dash is still its old airtime filled self.


The final hills are a little slower but not much. Now its a little slower, still some awesome airtime.


Well, one of the things that put it back up towards the top spot was the ending. I LOVED how it felt completely out of control through the end run. It was INSANE. Toning it down even a little will take away the "almost jackhammering air-time" intensity.

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Yeah, I'm calling BS on this. I didn't ever remember seeing trims ANYWHERE on the ride and after rewatching Robb's video, I'm sure. I didn't see any trims, there is only a anti-roll back chain right before the turn around. The topic poster must have confused it for a trim. Looks like a false alarm!

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So if it's a false alarm then that is good news. I really think the anti-rollbacks are what the topic poster got confused about. I know when I first rode Boulder Dash I thought they were trims.

Andrew "Shows my coaster knowledge" Iorio

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Liz & I rode Boulder Dash on July 23rd. I didn't notice any trims. The thing tore down the track for the entire course. It was strong ejector air right to the end.


Of course, it was pouring down raining the entire time. Boulder Dash rain rides were some of the most intense coaster rides I've ever had.


Based on these rides, I'd probably put Boulder Dash as my #4 behind Balder, El Toro, and Phoenix.

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