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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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Sandbags have been spotted riding Mach Tower today and the ride's been running smoothly (except for a few hiccups here and there). This is good news for everyone! Hopefully by the time the ride's ready,, breakdowns will be few and far between.


People are definitely excited about seeing the ride finally testing on a regular basis with few problems.

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Jack Is Back, let's hope is old head is too. Nope, they still have that stupid head judging by the picture posted on their website. However, they did make the caption look more spookier and scarier, so maybe that is a good thing?


So far we have:


Haunted Houses-


3 - 13: Your Number's Up (Europe In The Air Queue, Killarney, Ireland)

4 - Catacombs (Royal Palace Theater Backstage, Aquitaine, France)

6 - *Rumored* Bitten (Drachen Fire Queue Building, Oktoberfest, Germany)

10 - *Rumored* Clown Maze (Cursed Area, Festa Italia, Italy)

12 - *Rumored* The Dead Zone (Pompeii Building, Pompeii, Greece)




1 - Monster Stomp Revamped (Abbeystone Theater, Killarney, Ireland)

5 - Jack Is Back (Town Circle, Killarney, Ireland)

13 - *Rumored* Fiends in Das Festhaus (Das Festhaus, Oktoberfest, Germany)


Scare Zones-


2 - Widow Makers (New France, France)

7 - *Rumored* Vampires (Rhinefeld, Germany)

8 - *Rumored* Clowns (Festa Italia)

9 - *Rumored* Ghosts (Heatherdowns, Scotland)

11 - *Rumored* Werewolves (Jack Hanna's Wild Reserve)

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Mach Tower Update!

Nothing much outside of maintenance testing. The area's been pretty quiet outside of lifting and lowering the car and crews standing inside the catch car all day.



Concrete and that metal rebar stuff is being placed into the big pit. You can see some construction on waveswinger too!

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Mach Tower Update!

Nothing much outside of maintenance testing. The area's been pretty quiet outside of lifting and lowering the car and crews standing inside the catch car all day.



Concrete and that metal rebar stuff is being placed into the big pit. You can see some construction on waveswinger too!

^whats waveswinger? Also, there is a rumor going around that MT possibly crashed again. According to someone on bgwfans.com


I am assuming that he is referring to the ride more commonly known as "the swings". Its official park name is Wirbelwinchen or something along those lines.


Actually if it did, it could not have been too bad. I do remember going into work passing by security, an ambulance, and a fire truck all racing towards Das Festhaus on the service roads. Although for the rest of the day I think Mach Tower was testing fine. I think it may have dropped, but it could not have been too bad. From the testing I have seen, it looks pretty good.


I hope we don't have to deal with another crash, I think it was just a small one this time that did hardly no damage at all. After all, it has gone through so much work already and for it to be in the hands of the park now, I don't think we should worry.

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^But if it did crash (even the slightest bit) that means they are gonna find out what caused it, and possibly take a while to fix it. If it was open to the public during this supposed "mini crash", that would not have been any good. It would have been completely blown up in the media and if anyone was hurt that could mean lawsuit.

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Intimidator 305's media day was April 1st, 2010 and opened April 2nd, 2010 to start the season off. KD's attempt at landscaping the area besides the plaza and around the station was embarrassing though but I understand that they didn't want to delay the opening... Luckily now the ride is fully in a nice grass field besides right around the drop where they have the drainage areas.

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We can be expecting an announcement soon for the roller coaster. I noticed they have added some german road signs to the green construction fence by the bridge so now as you walk by you are bombarded by a ton of warning and caution signs saying you are entering the black forest and there is danger afoot; or something along those lines. With this bit a theming, I expect Mach Tower open by next week and an announcement shortly after about the coaster.

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Intimidator 305's media day was April 1st, 2010 and opened April 2nd, 2010 to start the season off. KD's attempt at landscaping the area besides the plaza and around the station was embarrassing though but I understand that they didn't want to delay the opening... Luckily now the ride is fully in a nice grass field besides right around the drop where they have the drainage areas.


I just said late April because I couldn't remember when the media day was and late April was when I got up there to ride it. Glad I got to ride the original.

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Intimidator 305's media day was April 1st, 2010 and opened April 2nd, 2010 to start the season off. KD's attempt at landscaping the area besides the plaza and around the station was embarrassing though but I understand that they didn't want to delay the opening... Luckily now the ride is fully in a nice grass field besides right around the drop where they have the drainage areas.


I just said late April because I couldn't remember when the media day was and late April was when I got up there to ride it. Glad I got to ride the original.

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Was at the park today and they were doing testing as usual on Mach Tower (Solid from about 10 - 11, stopped for a while, then started up a little bit with drops every 20 mins or so starting at about 11:30. Didn't see anything going on at 12:30). Asked the guy in the front "So what's the story, two weeks?" and he replied "A couple." He said he was originally scheduled to work at MT today but he obviously didn't. He said he just really wants to operate it soon. Hopefully they will open it within a week! Took some pictures and a video when I was there. In the video it does seem like it drops farther now.


As for the 2012 coaster... Seems to be a lot of workers just sitting around. Nothing new in the back where the building is supposed to be, but they were finishing gutting the station, and they were starting to dig up a few old footers from BBW right outside the station (around the waterfall feature). Took a few pictures there too.

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The Illuminights shows are supposed to be cartoony and amusement park like in a way. I am glad you enjoyed your time there!


As for the new coaster, like I said before they started showing off the theme of the coaster already, black forest/autobahn is what they are aiming for and with the new added signs everywhere, we can count on an announcement soon they can't just put up a million and one signs and then ignore them. Which only means Mach Tower is ready to open soon.

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Mach Tower

Ride's been testing on and off all day. A few hours of straight testing, a few hours of brake testing (dropping the car from halfway up), and a few hours of sitting on the ground/something being fixed.



The waterfall feature around BBW's station has been removed and the actual station has been fully gutted. You can sorta get a look a small portion of the coaster's layout inside the building (the first footers are there it seems).

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Now, I know this is going to be a trip back in time to 2006 and going off-topic, but does anyone know the name of the music that was used on Griffon's animation video? I know what it sounds like, but does that music have a specific name that you can download it from?


If someone knew the answer I would appreciate hearing from you! Thanks....

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