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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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^ You're more than entitled to your opinion if you disagree, but to me one of the best parts of Busch is walking along and them BAM, suddenly you're struck by something new. Rides being tucked away or hidden, and lots of trees was something that makes this park amazing, and certainly in the minority. Every year you can see more and more of the park from further and further away. I'm not sure I really like being able to see France from Scottland. They used to do their best to make sure things like that didn't happen, and it's feeling less and less like that's a goal anymore. Planting flower gardens is all well and good, but there's no replacing dense forest. Taking out the trees between Ireland and Griffon would be a disaster.

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That said, I'm not thrilled about the rumors inferring more tree removal between the parking lot and festa. I'll be ready to eat my words if it turns out beautiful and have no problem admitting when I'm wrong, but right now I'm less-than-optimistic about a clone coaster just getting stuck right next to AC and taking at even more of those trees AC already took out. Then again, you're talking to the person who wishes they themed the exterior of the Verbolten show building instead of leaving it as a green building (maybe this has changed since my last visit?) I miss the park that added new backs to the Wolf village facades when they built Drachen Fire to keep the theming alive.

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  DrachenfireOP said:
I feel like it could go right where the "Williamsburg" is.


Please god no. My one gripe with BGE of recent years is all the trees going away. I LOVED the start of Loch Ness pre-Griffon, and Griffon just striaght out ruined it. Actually, Griffon ruined a lot of visual for the park IMO. Yes, it's a beautiful ride, and fun, but I really would have rather seen it go somewhere else, then to get plopped right in the middle, ripping out Le Mans and all the trees. Alpengeist also suffers a little bit from the addition of Griffon visually, but not quite as bad.


If they take out those last trees near the gated bridge, I'd rage quit on that park. It's slowly turning into yet another parking lot with rides, and part of what made that park amazing is that it wasn't. I'm not even happy with where the alleged plans for this are as is, but obviously they need to expand somehow.


I wish they'd use pre-cleared land first for new attractions. It does exist on their property, they're just hesitant to use it for a variety of reasons.


Fortunately I doubt they'll use that land near Ireland, because of the grade and the fact that the closest part that is usable is directly in the path of the Sky Ride.



WOAHWOAHWOAHWOAH chill. To me it looks like the "williamsburg" is where there's a clearing or trees, and that's why I picked it. Chill out. But unlike most people I really like where griffon is. Yes I wish they had a few trees where it is now, but I like how it has a drop right next to Loch Ness. I do wish that the park hadn't been sold though.

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  Propeller Factory said:
  cfc said:
^^Hmm--exaggerating much?

OH SHUSH it's beautiful and you know it!


Oh, it is. I was disagreeing with the poster who was claiming that BGW was ripping out trees left and right.


That being said, I've been to quite a few parks in different countries, and there are a few of them that are more "beautiful" than BGW. Tokyo DisneySea and Paris Disneyland come to mind. BGW is definitely in the running, though.

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I'm not disagreeing with it's beauty, that's why I'm saying I don't want them ripping out more trees in what is already a substantially more sparse area than it was 10 years ago! I know tree removal is part of building rides, which is why I'd rather see it happen in an area that hasn't already had mass tree removal recently.

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^Parks plan things out years in advance in anticipation of need and what their guests want. BGW may, indeed, have other plans for already cleared areas.


As for Festa Italia, it was "cleared" some time ago. They've also been doing some work on the old Drachenfire site, but I'm not sure what that's for.

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  cfc said:
  Propeller Factory said:
  cfc said:
^^Hmm--exaggerating much?

OH SHUSH it's beautiful and you know it!


Oh, it is. I was disagreeing with the poster who was claiming that BGW was ripping out trees left and right.


That being said, I've been to quite a few parks in different countries, and there are a few of them that are more "beautiful" than BGW. Tokyo DisneySea and Paris Disneyland come to mind. BGW is definitely in the running, though.

BGW gets bonus points for that sculpture in France.

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  CPSFMMCW said:
I heard it was for a Germany train station. Makes sense to me. But putting that there would open up that area, so that does leave room for further expansion.


That's a pretty old rumor, but putting a station there would be nice.

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I heard it was for a Germany train station. Makes sense to me. But putting that there would open up that area, so that does leave room for further expansion.


I've said this in this thread already, but just to re-iterate, it sadly will not be this unless they change the track itself. Everything from the Rhine River Trestle to the Caribou station is a steady uphill grade, and the engines they use are not powerful enough to make it up the grade without a running start. If the train has to make an emergency stop anywhere between the trestle and the station, they always try to get it moving, but most of the time they actually have to back the train up to the trestel to get a running start.


If they wanted to add a station there, it would involve it intentionally stopping the train in a place they avoid stopping it at all costs. If they change the grading of the track, it would mean making it an even steeper grade either before or after the station, and only exaggerate an existing problem.


It's a shame because it would be a really good place for a station if they wanted to expand there.

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  Coachb said:
Can anyone provide any insights as to how intense Verbolten is? We are visiting next week and have a young girl who is a bit of a coaster newbie. She has done (at WDW) Thunder Mt w/o any issues. Tried Rockin Roller Coaster to mixed results. How would Verboltem stack up in intensity and the queasy factor w/Thunder Mt, Exp. Everest, Space Mt, RRC etc? Any other milder coasters at BGW she should attempt? TIA


As a follow up. My DD, 11, rode (and LOVED) Verbolten and Appollo's Chariot this week. Crowds weren't bad during the week but it was a zoo today.


Question: anyone hear that this would be the last year for a Celtic Fyre type show in Ireland? Read that somewhere and hope it isn't true. It's truly an amazing show.


Thanks again for all the pre trip help.

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  Coachb said:
  Coachb said:
Can anyone provide any insights as to how intense Verbolten is? We are visiting next week and have a young girl who is a bit of a coaster newbie. She has done (at WDW) Thunder Mt w/o any issues. Tried Rockin Roller Coaster to mixed results. How would Verboltem stack up in intensity and the queasy factor w/Thunder Mt, Exp. Everest, Space Mt, RRC etc? Any other milder coasters at BGW she should attempt? TIA


As a follow up. My DD, 11, rode (and LOVED) Verbolten and Appollo's Chariot this week. Crowds weren't bad during the week but it was a zoo today.


Question: anyone hear that this would be the last year for a Celtic Fyre type show in Ireland? Read that somewhere and hope it isn't true. It's truly an amazing show.


Thanks again for all the pre trip help.


Wow I hope that's not the case for Celtic Fyre. I'd be disappointed to see it go, definitely my favorite show in the park.

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  DrachenfireOP said:
I've said this in this thread already, but just to re-iterate, it sadly will not be this unless they change the track itself. Everything from the Rhine River Trestle to the Caribou station is a steady uphill grade, and the engines they use are not powerful enough to make it up the grade without a running start. If the train has to make an emergency stop anywhere between the trestle and the station, they always try to get it moving, but most of the time they actually have to back the train up to the trestel to get a running start.


If they wanted to add a station there, it would involve it intentionally stopping the train in a place they avoid stopping it at all costs. If they change the grading of the track, it would mean making it an even steeper grade either before or after the station, and only exaggerate an existing problem.


It's a shame because it would be a really good place for a station if they wanted to expand there.


What if they decided to turn the trains around? Does that put any of the existing stations in an awkward place on an uphill (currently downhill) grade?

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  DrachenfireOP said:
I heard it was for a Germany train station. Makes sense to me. But putting that there would open up that area, so that does leave room for further expansion.


I've said this in this thread already, but just to re-iterate, it sadly will not be this unless they change the track itself. Everything from the Rhine River Trestle to the Caribou station is a steady uphill grade, and the engines they use are not powerful enough to make it up the grade without a running start. If the train has to make an emergency stop anywhere between the trestle and the station, they always try to get it moving, but most of the time they actually have to back the train up to the trestel to get a running start.


If they wanted to add a station there, it would involve it intentionally stopping the train in a place they avoid stopping it at all costs. If they change the grading of the track, it would mean making it an even steeper grade either before or after the station, and only exaggerate an existing problem.


It's a shame because it would be a really good place for a station if they wanted to expand there.


Maybe this is a stupid thought, but what if they flipped the direction of travel? If I remember correctly, the trains are open on either side so there aren't any renovations needed there, and so long as there isn't any crazy terrain on the other side that the trains currently hit going downhill maybe this wouldn't be so hard?

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