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Trip Report Hurricane Harbour, Arlington, Tx

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Today, me and a friend went to hurricane harbour for some good ole fun in the sun. He was wearingthe standard issue swim shorts, but I was wearing what I always wear: a speedo styled swim suit. I have worn such things in the past to many water parks in the past, this one included. However, on this particular visit, long story short, me and my friend were escorted out of the park for me wearing innapropriate attire. My suit was not see through and it does not try to enhance certains parts of the anatomy. It was explained to me that wearing such suits like that were offensive to other park patrons. I wasn;t being lewd in anyway, just having fun in the park and enjoying myself.


It so happened that after speaking to the head of security, I was approcahed by the park manager, Mike Davis. It was explained to me that when a guest makes a complaint, immediate action must be taken to solve said complaint. It was then that I was given the option to either go to the park gift shop and buy shorts, or leave the park. Earlier, when it was first brought up, I was told that everything was fine as long as another complaint wasn't made. the park policy on the website and in the park sate that swim attire must be fitting to a family environment. Who judges that? The manager is the ultimate deciding factor. I felt that I was discriminated agains, because there were some females at the park that were wearing some questionable stuff, yet it was all ok, but my suit seemed to attract all this attention.


After making my complaints in the park, I called the phone number to make a complaint over the phone. Not only did they take my informaton, they said that the manager would call me back. At this time, I wasn;t aware that I had already spoke to him. After calling back twice, with 2 hours in between each call, I finally found out some information in regards to my call. What really irritated me was the fact that he could not call me back to further try and solve this problem.


A couple of things that I don;t understand about the whole situation is that the rule is very ambigious, leading for all sorts of interptretation. The security personel that I spoke with proceded to fid my crap about how in the state of texas, it is perfectly legal for a women to be outside butt naked, because her sexual reproductive organs are not able to be seen. There is nothign that the park could do about it. however, a male could not, not even a speedo style suit, apparently, cause you could see a buldge. My friend was kicked out with me, but for what reason? Who knows? We were not even given the hand stamp option, even though mayeb I would have changed my mind and put on shorts to come back later.


I know that I'm from a historically more conservative are than some, but I take it with stride. I know that six flags is in a bit of financial trouble and can;t afford to offend guests enough to have them not come back. Problem is, they just might have convinced me to not come back, to the water park at least. Apparently, in america, it is deemed innapropriate to wear something less than clothing that covers up almost all your lower body. Is this what this country is comming to? Corporate offices will be contacted. What do y'all think about it?

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I can see where you're coming from and the actions that the park took were probably too harsh, but I also understand that Speedo type swimsuits are not very well socially accepted (at least in the states). I'd recommend purchasing a normal shorts style swimsuit, but if it's a question of comfort, try board shorts with the speedo underneath. Then there's less risk of others getting offended/uncomfortable.

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See, thats the thing. they are normaly fine by themselves, so why should I have to? Yes, I wear them for comfort, but I like how I look in the them and I like the tan lines that I get, so wearing shorts kinda goes against all that. thnaks for your opinion though, honestly.

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Well, I agree with you that too many Americans are overly sensitive about this sort of thing. But, having said that, what are you going to do? I guess you could try to sue, if it's really that big a deal to you.


I mean, I do agree with you. But most of the GP probably doesn't--so I doubt you're going to win this one, to be honest.


/Take it in the shorts.

//And take your business elsewhere.

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Could you post a picture of yourself in the speedo and let us be the judge?


Seriously, the same exact thing happened to a guy I work with. He and his boyfriend took his boyfriend's daughter to the very same Hurricane Harbor. I've never met the boyfriend, but apparently he is pretty built and he wore a speedo, because like you, he likes how he looks in them. They were also asked to change swimsuits or leave because someone complained. Mr. Speedo asked to see who complained because he was sure that he could point out half a dozen offensive things about the complainer.


It makes me wonder if it was just the fact that it was a speedo, or was it the fact that they were a gay couple and one was in a speedo, like that somehow makes it more vulgar. Would anything have been done if it was a straight couple and their kid? I would hope that Six Flags wouldn't discriminate like that, but I can see where the complainer may be more likely to do so.

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Mmmm, I think you should have been able to wear the Speedos. Some parks even require it! If girls can run around in a two piece, a man can wear a speedo.


What if I complained that every female in the park offended me because I can see their boobs? Would they kick them out? NEWS FLASH: Men have junk. lol.



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I would never wear that, but it's stupid that you're not allowed wearing something like that.


In Belgium, in some places you HAVE to wear as Speedo. For example at Aqualibi near Walibi Belgium (Belgium's biggest attractions park).


And you're right about the male/female comparison.

Same stuff goes for dining at a restaurant or anything. Usually men aren't allowed to wear shorts, but women can wear the shortest skirts they want!

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If anybody wants to, I would suggest writing the park and making a complaint. I mean, those who support the cause, I guess. I know most people won't care, but if anybody wanted to, I would be very grateful.

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I use to be a lifeguard at an indoor waterpark for three years. Here is my take:


Swimsuits are swimsuits. As long as you have a suit and it isn't underwear, jeans, athletic shorts, everything should be fine. We had patrons in speedos every now and then, not often, but we never had any complaints about the patrons.


Another thing to look at is the type of guest 'reward' system Six Flags uses. I do remember for Six Flags Elitch Gardens 'gay day' (which is no longer promoted due to this) parents would come into guest services and yell at the poor people working in there that the gays are 'altering' their childrens minds and promoting inappropriate sexual behavior. After a minute or two, the complainers would get free passes for another day. If Hurricane Harbor were to do this, they would be losing more money to complaining guests than to have one person unhappy. Just to look at it from another angle...


A patron or staff may have thought it was underwear or something.


Also, you're in Texas.

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Lol @ America. So set in one train of thinking. Anything slightly new is cause for immediate alarm and panic. If I were you, I might make a sexism complaint, but then you're just opening up a huge can of worms and pretty soon everyone's wearing t-shirts in the pool.


I'd just conform to their wishes in this case. It's not like they're being dicks about it. Society's the problem.


Kudos for rocking the speedo though.

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^^^You shouldn't change. You should keep showing up at the park rockin the Speedo's and take it up with park management the next time there is an issue. See if you can get some friends to support you. Don't be rude and aggressive about it, but you should not let it keep you from going to the park.



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