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Photo TR: Holiday World Opening Day

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I went down to Holiday World today and got my pass renewed in preperation for the coaster event. I only spent a few hours in the park, so I only rode the coasters.


Voyage is running as good as the first year. Front seat is super smooth and back seat is rough, but not bad.


Legend is legend.....I sat in front and feel like my insides got misplaced.


Raven is running excellent.


I e was talking about the lack of the big splash on Pilgrims plunge....the youtube videos and other photos don't really do this ride justice, while I didn't ride it, it is really fast and the splash is actually descent. Nothing like the animation (this is where I didn't like that they still show the animation with the big splash in the commercials). Well, anyway, onto tons of photos of pilgrims plunge and few others.


BTW, in this will be a lot of just shots of PP.


Close up of the boats.


New angle for Voyage now that the observation area for PP is back almost to the woods.




















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End with Ravens gum roof.


Ravens test seat


Legends extra train got a roof for storage.


legends test seat, didn't see one for Voyage, but suppose they have one though.


new for 2009


test seat. All three coasters got them also.


Hi Rapids nerd.





New shot not many people have.


This is the walkway from SS, if you ever been on a Voyage walk back, this is how they normally took us back by Plymouth Rock Cafe and down a gravel lane, the gravel lane is now concrete. You stay totally sepereated from the dry park people until the entrance fo the ride, also, they have you exit the same way.














I like this shot.


Me being artsy...I wish, I got auto focus owned.


splash may not be big, but it does make for some good photos, now if only people were riding.

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Hmm, just today I was wondering when HW was going to open/if it opened/why no one went/was going. This PTR obviously answered that. I like the Pilgrim's Plunge splash photo's, yay for lapbars (?)! Good to hear that Voyage is running good, it better stay that way until June! Oh and those test seats for the woodies and the Rapids just made me laugh. A little. Or...a lot

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Those shots of the PP splashdown with the person taking photos in a restricted zone sure look like Sandor Kernacs (President of Intaride) from behind. I sure look forward to plunging myself at Holiwood Nights. Nice photos!

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I was looking at the front of the boats at one point. Instead of the front have a straight degree angle up from bottom of the boat, the PP boats are rounded at the bottom, then make and angle up. I will try to draw up what I mean later.

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^The 'visual' splash problem.


But I hope Intamin doesn't sell any more of them. I love it when Holiday World has one-of-a-kind rides! (Yes, I'm selfish.)



BTW, nice PTR! Thanks for showing us all of the 'extra' improvements around the park. Where exactly is the new crane game?

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First of all, nice pictures! Too bad the sun doesn't want to cooperate but the ride itself is visually stunning.


Now I'm not gonna debate wether the ride is a fail or not since I haven't ridden it and can't say anything about that.

The problem with making a big splash is that you need a large mass to be able to create a big splash comfortably. As you could see on the first test video the boat created a big splash but stopped very abruptly which is somewhat uncomfortable (if anyone want to know what it feels like, take a hard punch in the stomach). Hitting water at high speed is like hitting concrete, the higher the speed is the larger mass the boat needs to be. And bigger/heavier boats means bigger/stronger structure, which in turn mean a higher cost. Intamin designed a ride that breaks the height record using an elegant slim structure as they always try to incorporate into all of their rides.


I can see Intamin designing a simular ride with bigger boats like they use on PP and Hydro but the tower would probably only feature a single lift instead of a double and perhaps be four legged or if only two, be significant bigger.


You can't blame Intamin for not trying new ideas. And when trying new ideas you don't always have a success at first hand but you'll hopefully learn from the errors made and make a better second ride. That's what makes engineering fun, to make something better!

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Maybe the reason there is not a large splash footprint is the acutal design of the boats. Based on the photos on this TR, if you look closely at the front of the boat, it is blunt (squared off |_|).


The front being squared off along with being concave, projects the water foward not outward. I imagine if the boats had more of a prow, extended at the center and tapered back to the sides, the water would be thrown outward. (| |)


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