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Why Does TPR Hate ACE so much?

The Disneylander

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I was going to join ACE but after X-mas found my laid off due to company cut backs. Also i had heard a few things about them from others that there way of doing things is more toward a controlling style not like TRP were your allowed to say what you feel. guess that is why i am a TRP member now....

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^ Please tell me more about this TRP place


No what i mean is the TRP forums are less restrictive of what people say and do on here. I meet some ace's a while back and they where up tight and some what rude to me and then girlfriend. Now I know that this was a small group of them but it did leave a sour note on my first impression of ACE.

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I have been a member of both for just over a year. I have been on trips put together by both groups. I have noticed the group sponsoring the event seems to rag on the other gropus and visa-versa. I am just a theme park fan and enjoy both groups for what they put together for us all. It's all about having fun and giving common respect. Earlier this year I attended Winter Coaster Solace (ACE) and WCB (TPR) on back-to-back days, some of the same people were at both and we ALL had a great time!

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One more follow-up to my last comment. And I don't mean to be biased but at this year's ACE WCS at Knott's, the regional rep didn't even show up. The nezt day at TPR's WCB at SFMM Robb was all over the place and even in passing by him and his 'posse' at 10pm he asked if we were having a great time. Plus TPR has Big Mike, a great fun gut I met that day and couldn't have been more fun and nice.

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^ One of my personal goals is to meet every single person who takes the time to post, read, and contribute to the site. If people are going to take the time to hang out here, I at least owe them the courtesy of saying hello and saying "thanks."


Granted since the site is always growing that means I'll be meeting new people forever! It's one of the best things about running the site!



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Thanks Robb, and I am sorry for the misspellings, especially when you have a checker involved. I just like having the opportunity for both groups, and seeing as a lot of us are involved with both, 'can't we all just get along' and have fun!

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^^ While I don't know our rep personally, I have met him and he seems like a nice guy. Remember, too, that even ACE reps have lives and sometimes can't make an event.


I did get an e-mail from him last year regarding the behavior of Solace attendees. (I know I posted this previously, but it's worth a repost.) While Pony Express was under construction, Knott's had a very important person from Zamperla come out to speak to the group during lunch, and many of the people just couldn't stop talking long enough to listen to him. Pretty rude. Had I been him, I'd have just left the area, thanked Knott's for inviting me, and headed for the airport.


^ Truth. When you host an event, be it a coaster event, a wedding, etc., you do have to at least try and meet/greet your guests. Every TPR event I've been to (including the now two WCBs), Robb and/or Chris Godsey have made it a point to say hi to me.



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Thanks Eric,

And you remember me, we have met a few times either on the net or in person. You have been a great informative buddy to meet. I met you last June and this past March. Will you be at SFMM June 14th?

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^ I visited TRP and it I don't see that many Virginia residents around there. See for yourself here...



However on TPR, there are a lot of Virginia residents around (including me).


Unfortunately, I probably won't be able to go on any TPR trips in the future.


I've noticed that members of all kinds of other coaster forums tend to make fun of ACE just as much as TPR does. There seems to be a general stereotype that most ACErs live in their parent's basement oogling over pictures of Intamin and B&M coasters while eating excessive amounts of gravy. So TPR isn't alone when it comes to making fun of ACE.

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^ It does not help the stereotype when you go to an event like Ride Warriors weekend, you leave to go to the bathroom and in the 3 minutes your fiancee has already been hit on by an ACEer with an awful pick-up line. After this, he goes to talk to an older lady, whom looks like his mom, about said pick-up attempt.


With that said, the members were like any fan group: Some fun people, some who are not into the social aspect, some only in for the social aspect & some who have no life outside of interest.

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