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NEWS:Legless girl barred from Busch Gardens rides

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There is no reason here to boycott the park. The park IMO, handeled the situation very profesionally, also refunding ticket costs. They didn't admit her on rides because it wasn't safe for her, not to piss her off. Some people just need to understand things like this. It's a big lose, lose situation here. If they let her on, she gets hurt, then they would have slapped them with a lawsuit claiming that they didn't follow safety procedures set by manufactures(which they did). Is this even news worthy? Ugh, I guess they had nothing better to write. These type stories make me angry sometimes when people are so ignorant.

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If this mother really wanted her child to enjoy the park, she would have checked into it ahead of time to see which rides she could or could not ride. At that point she would have discovered that she would have been able to ride more rides if she had a prosthetic leg, so she should have brought it with them. If her daughter didn't enjoy the park, it's no one's fault but her own.


People get this "I'll be damned if someone's going to tell me I can't do something" attitude too often these days. People need to accept that not everyone can do anything.

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If a ride manufactorer says you need this (a certain amount of stability, I.E. 3 functional limbs) then the park has to obey the rules. Otherwise, they can get sued. In today's world it's all about making money over stupidity.


I for one would have been literally p***ed off if that girl would have drowned and the family would have sued the park. The mom should have brought the prothestic's or called ahead of time.


I know for a fact that some parks actually tell you if you can't evacuate from the highest point from the ride. Don't. For example:

http://www.kennywood.com/attractions/policies.php It specifically states what you need to do in case of evacuation. Kudos to parks for doing this.


My two cents. My grandmother won't go on any rides, a because she hates dealing with her leg, and because well, she know's isn't safe for HER to do so. Just my thoughts, take them as they are.



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I can understand it because most rides use a restraint type that holds you in by your legs, and well, when you don't have them you're not held in. The only roller coaster system I can think of that doesn't do this is old Horsecollars. OTSRs, although they are over the shoulder, still pin you in by the lap.

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Ugh, this goes back to that whole "personal responsibilty" thing I always talk about.


It was no nice to see that this isn't an issue with European parks. If something happens at a park in Europe, people seem to take more personal responsibilty, not have this attitude of 'no matter what, it's not MY fault!'



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If they are protesting Busch Gardens, isn't going to Adventure Island going against the whole point of the protest since it's the same company?


"On Tuesday, she checked out Adventure Island and said she was assured that her daughter would face no roadblocks.


So, on Thursday, Jessica will use her hands to walk up the steps at Adventure Island. At times, her mother might carry her."

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^^Agreed. Europe parks seemed so "hassle free" when compared to most US parks.


It seems that this whole situation could have been avoided if the mother had contacted the park ahead of time. Like others have said, due to our culture of no one being responsible for anything ever, parks have to be extra careful...



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"I understand the roller coasters, but when you can't ride a kiddy ride that only has six inches of water, that's kind of stupid. The girl is an athlete and a swimmer. The kiddy ride, that was a bit much."


Yes but when she is swimming, does she have three 600 lb raft's following her that can NOT be stopped if she were to fall out and get run over?


That is one of the stupidest things Ive seen all year. People have to realize that it's for their own safety, not because they are different or have dissabilities.


And another thing, If your on the train and they are not loading a car and tell you to go down to the other end, dont get all pissed off that you have to walk 40 feet to another car, just go to the car and stop bitching about it! Oh and apparently because you go and complain to the guest services and get a full refund, you have the right to boycott the whole park as they treated you like trash and did not let you ride because you are different.


What Im trying to get at is if the park tells you no, then you obey them. If you don't have enough of your torso to SAFLEY ride a kiddy ride, then you don't ride. If you want to do ANYTHING that regards the safety of yourself and others, then go and bitch about it because the park does not want you or others around you to get injured or even killed it just plain stupid.


Colin"Im outraged because this is at my home park and I know that they look out for their guests and only want the best for them"C

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I think most parks require you to have one original leg. Two fake ones wouldnt cut it since you need control of at least one of them.


Its sad but thats what happens with tragic things like that. Im not sure how she dives unless she does a hand stand because it could be difficult to "dive" without having legs to bounce on. She could fall in.


I do feel bad for her but safety is safety and considering most rides need your legs as the main route of safety, well thats just a given.

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