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PETA to Ben & Jerry's: Make ice cream from human milk


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PETA is a threat to the well being of the general public and must be destroyed... or we could just sit back and watch it self-destruct through stupid publicity stunts.


Seriously though, I hate PETA with a passion and wish it would disband.

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I feel bad for the poor animals that PETA tries to save. Someone should start a organization called Protection Against PETA's Animal Targets (PEPAT).


This is just nasty. So, PETA assumes that all breast milk tastes the same from every female? Doesn't milk (from a cow) give you strong muscles and bones? Isn't it healthy for you? What is PETA thinking? I think I'll right PETA an email.


-Tatum "PETA needs to die today, no now!"

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^I don't want to even think about how breast milk tastes. I bet there's some dads that want to give it a try though.


My friend said her boyfriend was trying to get in on the babies' action (she had twins and her breasts got HUGE.). "Boy! This is for the babies!" He said "The doctor said you ain't Pevely. Give them their formula!"


A hot mammary mess.



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^ I am an advocate against cow's milk. There is research that suggests that it is not "good for you" and can actually decrease bone capacity. But I guess I'm "weird" or flat out wrong for thinking something that doesn't go with the majority.


And PETA believes that even bad publicity is a good thing. They don't care as long as their name is out there. So technically this thread really is promoting them in their eyes. It is doing exactly what they want.

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^Then don't drink it. You have that choice; I have friends that love to drink milk so who am I to interfere?


Personally I can't have too much dairy so I substitute vanilla soy milk. Can they make vanilla soy ice cream? PETA would have sounded better making that argument. Suggesting "Tigobittie's Best" is not one of their brighter moments.



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^Yeah I had apple pie a la mode yesterday for my cheat day. I had to sneak it in before I went back to work though because I was with my friend that was on a diet. It was bad enough that I was eating her favorite food, french fries, but as soon as I looked at the dessert menu and inquired about the pies, the dominatrix in her jumped out and I got cursed out! Guess that chicken salad wasn't working for her.


The names that I got called! I couldn't do anything but belly laugh at the table.


But as soon as I dropped her off, I stopped by the mall and got me a sweet snack.



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Can they make vanilla soy ice cream? PETA would have sounded better making that argument. Suggesting "Tigobittie's Best" is not one of their brighter moments.




But then they would've been proposing a rational, ethically acceptable idea. PETA doesn't do that, now do they?

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^Then don't drink it. You have that choice; I have friends that love to drink milk so who am I to interfere?


Personally I can't have too much dairy so I substitute vanilla soy milk. Can they make vanilla soy ice cream? PETA would have sounded better making that argument. Suggesting "Tigobittie's Best" is not one of their brighter moments.




Did I tell anyone not to drink milk? I was just going over what I have heard and what I believe. I wasn't pushing anything on anyone.


Sure. There are plenty of companies that make that. But PETA was just trying to go for the shock factor and get into the papers. Asking them to make soy ice cream would have been more rational, but they wanted to get some press. Just makes them look like idiots, but they don't even see it. When my girlfriend worked there I remember visiting headquarters a couple of times, and they were so happy that they got press for so many stupid things. They actually thought it was a good thing. Morons.

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Did I tell anyone not to drink milk? I was just going over what I have heard and what I believe. I wasn't pushing anything on anyone.


Ok, now it's sounding passive/aggressive. You're an advocate against drinking milk and telling us all the reasons not to drink it, but you're not pushing it on anyone? I got that right, didn't I? Ok....


Anyway, I remember a fashion show where PETA protesters jumped on the runway to protest one of the models (I forgot her name). She proceeded to model the heck out of that garment in front of them, giving them "careless disregard" until security pulled them down.


My friends and I saw it and we collectively said "Work b@tch."



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She proceeded to model the heck out of that garment in front of them, giving them "careless disregard"...


I still want to see that video of you and your "carelessly disregarded" drag competition friend.


Personally, I don't think soy milk tastes any different from regular... how it affects the chemistry of ice cream, I don't know, but it would be interesting to see an industry "conversion" to soy.

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^I found the website that has streaming video of the contest and dvds coming soon.


I have to decide if it's really worth paying to relive that pageant just to see a few seconds of me ignoring the "dragon".


But back on subject, I actually like vanilla soymilk so I would be interested in seeing it in ice cream. I did some searching and there are quite a few recipes. I'm surprised no one has a soy brand of ice cream.



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Did I tell anyone not to drink milk? I was just going over what I have heard and what I believe. I wasn't pushing anything on anyone.


Ok, now it's sounding passive/aggressive. You're an advocate against drinking milk and telling us all the reasons not to drink it, but you're not pushing it on anyone? I got that right, didn't I? Ok....


Anyway, I remember a fashion show where PETA protesters jumped on the runway to protest one of the models (I forgot her name). She proceeded to model the heck out of that garment in front of them, giving them "careless disregard" until security pulled them down.


My friends and I saw it and we collectively said "Work b@tch."




Listen, just because I'm providing information doesn't mean that I'm pushing anything on anyone. Just because I'm giving different views and information doesn't mean that I'm trying to tell you to do one thing or the other.

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