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What's your opinion on the new Harry Potter book?


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What's your opinion on the new Harry Potter book?


IMO they are too long but I still read them because they are interesting.


I just bought the newest one:Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.


ADMIT EDIT: Fixed several formatting, spelling and grammar mistakes.

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I bought it today and I'm on the 179th page.


ADMIN EDIT: Edited several grammar mistakes. It, this is the last time I will edit one of your posts. Every post from now on I see with several grammar mistakes from you will be deleted! I'm sick of having to edit EVERY post you make! I mean, this post was only ONE sentence and there were three mistakes!!! --Robb

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Don't you know that if you read any of the Harry Potter books that you will burn in Hell!!!


According to several "Religious" groups these books promote Witchcraft and Sorcery!


Even the Pope has come out against the Evil writings of J.K. Rowling.


Save Yourself!!!


Or you may Burn in the Eternal Fire!!!


By the way I'm currently on chapter six of the Half-Blood Prince.


Bring on the Flames!!! Hell be Damned!

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^ Oh, that's a tad harsh. Basically, religious groups (and myself) are against it because since so many young kids read it, they may want to believe that you can actually cast spells and fly (you know how little kids are). A lot of kids have converted to wiccanism because of it, which is against Christianity. I think it's pretty ridiculous when religious groups are like "oh you must burn the books or burn in hell!". Personally, I'm just not that interested in it anyway.

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I completed the 6th book on Saturday and throughly enjoyed it. I am a huge Harry Potter fan, although admittedly I didn't start reading the books until a roommate of mine bought the first movie. My interest was sparked and I began reading.


The book was great, very emotional!

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