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Cedar Point, New Rain Policy

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I was at Kingsdominion over the weekend it rained and down poured all weekend i was waiting for dominator when the sky opened up

all 3 trains were stopped but then the op said they started a new policy they were testing at Kings dominion and Canadas wonderland that they would let 3 trains or maximum but only load one until the rain stopped then back to full capacity without taking time to transfer trains back and forth which makes sense i hope this is a practice they will keep its easier to me

Oh jeez, why the heck are they dragging Kings Dominion into their crummy policy... KD's coasters have all been running fine with two trains in downpours as long as I've been visiting the park.

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Cedar Point's rain policy is one of the things I hate about the park. There's no thought put into it. They close the rides well before the rain comes. Sometimes the rain misses (like it did two weeks ago), so people are left waiting for no reason.


The practice of going down to one-train operation during or after rain is ridiculous. Magnum's got a bad brake run. Taking the trains off MF and Maverick is completely ridiculous because the brakes are magnetic. It's like the person who makes the decisions doesn't work with the maintenance people and has no concept of how roller coasters work.


The park needs to go back to the old policy of running everything except TTD and Raptor in the rain. There is no safety issue. And shutting everything down well before the rain may or may not come is just going to get people angry.


I propose that all of us who have been to the park and not been allowed to ride during, before or after a rainstorm write the park. The contact form is here. I know Cedar Point takes lots of complaints seriously (they changed an articles in line policy in early 2005 because of complaints). I doubt we can make a difference, but we could at least possibly get them to think about how stupid this is.


After my visit last summer I sent a bunch of e-mails to a lot of different CF contacts at CP and other parks to tell them why their policy didn't make any sense. Of course they never got back to me.

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I don't know about you but I would rather be safe.

So you aren't safe while riding coasters at nearly all other parks around the world who run more then 1 train when its possible that precipitation may or may not come?


The majority of coasters are capable of operating in the rain, Magnum's brake run was the source of the problem, not moisture...

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^ I understand what your saying but modern coasters are designed to work the same wether it's raining of not. Granted so of the older rides like Magnum might not but all of the newer rides like Maverick, TTD e.t.c. should work fine in the rain. So sure take a train of Magnum but on the modern rides their is really no need.


One would really think so, but the use of drive tires for much of the newer rides transportation around the ride really is a big problem in the rain. When I worked at Dragster and it rained we would cycle the ride and the drive tires couldn't always make the first train head all the way into launch position causing an e-stop. I also know mantis had the same problem with the drive tires, in that the trains would slip a lot while entering the station.


The majority of coasters are capable of operating in the rain, Magnum's brake run was the source of the problem, not moisture...


Once again, there were a lot of things that went into the Magnum accident leading the park's head honchos, the park's lawyers, AND the park's insurance company to prompt a lot of these changes in policy. Please don't assume you know all of the details. Also, even though you ddin't geet a response back, they definitely are helping get things changed.

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^ I understand what your saying but modern coasters are designed to work the same wether it's raining of not. Granted so of the older rides like Magnum might not but all of the newer rides like Maverick, TTD e.t.c. should work fine in the rain. So sure take a train of Magnum but on the modern rides their is really no need.


One would really think so, but the use of drive tires for much of the newer rides transportation around the ride really is a big problem in the rain. When I worked at Dragster and it rained we would cycle the ride and the drive tires couldn't always make the first train head all the way into launch position causing an e-stop. I also know mantis had the same problem with the drive tires, in that the trains would slip a lot while entering the station.


The majority of coasters are capable of operating in the rain, Magnum's brake run was the source of the problem, not moisture...


Once again, there were a lot of things that went into the Magnum accident leading the park's head honchos, the park's lawyers, AND the park's insurance company to prompt a lot of these changes in policy. Please don't assume you know all of the details. Also, even though you ddin't geet a response back, they definitely are helping get things changed.


I'm not pretending to understand the inner-workings of an amusement park in the way of lawyers and insurance matters. I'm simply saying that the majority of coasters can operate in wet weather conditions with more then one train. Thats all I can really comment on, because thats the only thing I have experience in. I just dislike the attitude some people have on this topic where they essentially say "buck up and live with it, better safe then sorry." or things of that nature, because safety in general is not effected for the most part...

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I bet there is a reason for it, but I think it is interesting that the Snoopy Bounce closes before WT. I am not sure I would want to ride WT in a steady rain and do not think that Maxair would be that enjoyable in the rain.

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I'm not pretending to understand the inner-workings of an amusement park in the way of lawyers and insurance matters. I'm simply saying that the majority of coasters can operate in wet weather conditions with more then one train. Thats all I can really comment on, because thats the only thing I have experience in. I just dislike the attitude some people have on this topic where they essentially say "buck up and live with it, better safe then sorry." or things of that nature, because safety in general is not effected for the most part...


I was more refering to that last part I quoted from you. It obviously effected it enough for magnum that one ride lol. I agree with you to a point though, but I mean really what more can you do then (politely, and I'm not insinitaing anything about your responses to the park) express your (general "your" in this case) dissatisfaction with the policy to the park. More then once a rule has been changed at the park becuase enough people complain about a certain thing.


Thats wierd that the 4x4's close during rain, kind of a random ride IMO..does anyone know why that is



Ever throw a hairdryer in a bathtub? Electricity and Water don't mix.



And Snoopy Bounce basically turns into a bouncy pool when it rains, not fun having to vaccuum out the water before it can open (ok, maybe a little getting to walk/bounce around in there).

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