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Everything posted by Killwize

  1. Fine by me! I'd rather have two friends that don't annoy me than 1,000 friends who do. I've just blocked two more people from my Facebook and sent them this note: --Robb IDK, Maybe you should just close your account? ...it seems kinda dumb to have a Facebook account if you don't like Facebook 101. To tell you the truth though, I am awfully saddened by your aforementioned attitude and actions, kinda' like a kid finding out that superman is really just a big jurk. Hay don't worry about it though, i'm gonna remove myself from your friends list prematurely! To help ya out... You know, In anticipation of you removing me (and insulting me, no doubt) for some ridiculous and 'out of my control' reason. Coincidentally, I think ALL OF YOU need to check out that webpage posted earlier....
  2. Thanks for the Info, I always wondered what exactly was the reason for them taking it down. I've seen pictures of this coaster quite awhile ago but never knew any info on it surrounding its "dismay." There are more picture of the coaster on Michael Pantenburg's 'Fotoarchiv,' some will notice Michael Pantenburg as the creator of "Schwarzkopf Coaster Net." A Schwarzkopf fan's heaven! http://metamorph.coaster.net/ (Also cheack out http://schwarzkopf.coaster.net/ if you haven't yet.)
  3. A prefab woody is still a woody in the same way breasts w/implants are still breasts.
  4. Oh that's good. I bet it will start rumors though. I already hear a rumor that someone died on it. LOL
  5. After more review I guess not all boomerangs have walkways in the cobra roll. But a lot have been recently added. I still would hot want anyone at Silverwood to get stuck on a cobra roll... that high, just because the park did not build a platform! Especially when where was one on it at SFMM.
  6. Don't Vekoma's Boomeranges have a tendency to get stuck in the Cobra Roll? ...That's why you see a lot of them with stairs. DejaVu had them!
  7. Okay, So now that Aftershock is all set up and everything. Dose anybody notice something missing? Err... Uhaa ho! Check out this video of "Dejashock," LOL. @ Notice anything odd (comparatively) at 00:29 seconds? (Go ahead and look at a DejaVu video!) ...That just scares me. Silverwood! Have you even been paying attention? "Let me out!"
  8. ...But I also love when a coaster lunches in to a tunnel and drops in the dark right off the station. Like on an old Woodie.
  9. Well not being a stinker, I would to say I like Arrow better. The last Arrow roller coaster I rode (Viper, sfMM) was still awesome even after so many years. I think Arrow has contributed more to the 'coaster scene' anyway. Witch one is rougher? Can't say.
  10. The first one on Tremors is freaking awesome, although the 2nd one you enter during airtime.
  11. You coaster elitists! Go back to your cookie cutter B&Ms and, AquaTrax (Sans-Aqua) Intamin's; leave use alone to our originality and tenaciousness. (I would have voted but you can't vote for B&M)
  12. What is the point of the water being sprayed on the "Trax" again? Such a Tease! 'Really? You might as well tern it off, I'm not getting wet!' (Do you at-least get a fine mist?) This whole Maverick/Aquatrax theory makes since when you think about how the trains would have complimented the "riding a horse" theme (read: logo). Hay, who knows, maybe some day they will use Aqua trains.
  13. "He designed pretty much every single Schwarzkopf layout." How do you know this? "They even provided many lists, statistics, dates, etc. themselves." Was that just in the last 2 years? ...lol, next you'll be telling me he also did the calculation for every RCT coaster made... Maybe he even invented hot dogs... I'm not disputing you here, I'm simply tiring to make the argument that his designs had not been properly credited until recently. ...or... It's a big conspiracy... (You know I don't think his name is even mentioned in the coaster book I have under the Schwarzkopf section. The big blue one that every coaster buff has.)
  14. A wooden coaster without roughness is like a Long Island Ice Tea without alcohol... It's Just silly!
  15. Oh, Batman was a walk on. They told use to go though the exit, we just walked up and they asked our names and put us in the front seat. 5-Min... At the time I remember thinking Cyclone was WAY smoother than Batman.
  16. ^This was pre-Superman (The Ride) so... It was the closest coaster we could find. 1998 i think.
  17. How could you say that... mutinay! Anyway... Lets see. First time at SFMM, First ride of the day (prime roller coaster riding time,) Ninja, Got stuck on the last brake run for about an hour. It was cool though because they let use choose any ride at the park and walk on... chose Batman the Ride, I was so glad I did B/C it would not have been worth the wait. offtopic... @ zeke11793... Justice Rocks!
  18. Oh okay. I was thinking layout wise. I was gonna say, that pretty much puts him at god status in my book... as far as steel gos. I can understand one person doing the math side of thing, but for simple layout that's quite a lot. ...I like coasters to interact with the terrain personaly, that's why I hate dislike B&M designs. No soul, cookie cutter layouts and elements. ...coasterguy618... it was the tone in your... type. LOL Sorry dude.
  19. Rain is not fun on a day at the park. At least they will run one train. I don't know maybe it would improve some rides?
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