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Everything posted by Killwize

  1. Really? It seems to me that his name had just been added to most websites recently. I mean he was just featured on wikipedia's main page and versus other sites. I just can't understand why I had not herd of him in such a manner until this year. I have been a coaster nut for aeons. ...I know for sure that his name was just recently added to most rcdb pages where he is credited. On a related note... How dose one man design so many coasters? I'm so jealous. That would be my dream. No, it's just you. Whow, what's with the "A-hole" attitude. Are the people on this board always this snobbish? I'm guessing... "No, it's just you."
  2. Really? It seems to me that his name had just been added to most websites recently. I mean he was just featured on wikipedia's main page and versus other sites. I just can't understand why I had not herd of him in such a manner until this year. I have been a coaster nut for aeons. ...I know for sure that his name was just recently added to most rcdb pages where he is credited. On a related note... How dose one man design so many coasters? I'm so jealous. That would be my dream.
  3. Is it just me or did this guy just pop out of thin air? I mean his name JUST got added to the info on most coaster sites just recently. I mean , did everyone just suddenly realize this? It could be a conspiracy! Schwarzkopf net dose not even mention him. Or at least they did not a year ago.
  4. Am I the only one that feels a little "t"ed about this fact?
  5. Wow, My least favorite would have to be B&M. Their coasters have no "soul."
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