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Yesterday I bought ( for $10 ) season four of Three's Company. The opening scene shows Jack Tripper ( John Ritter ), the girls and Don Knotts riding a few rides that looks like it was shot at a seaside park. Curious..where was this filmed at?


Now I know many parks were featured in MOVIES over the years like Vacation and of course Rollercoaster but what about TV shows?


I know about Banana Splits ( Cincinatti's Coney Island and Six Flags Over Texas ) and of course The Brady Bunch and Partridge family ( Kings Island ). My husband swears he remember an old drama from the 70s ( The Family ) that was filmed at San Diego's Belmont Park and I myself remember that Hersheypark TV show back in the 70s ( Al Alberts ) that aired in a number of cities. Plus Dick Clark made some use of that Knotts berry Farm corkscrew coaster back in the 70s for one of this classic rock and roll TV specials and there was the 1979 crime drama "Big Shamus..Little Shamus" which made use of the many pier amusement parks along the Jersey shore like Atlantic City and Wildwood.


Come to think of it I seem to remember way back when some show that JoAnne Worley from the old Laugh-In series that she did that was taped on location at some Amusement Park, I assume in California.


Any other TV shows that were shot at a park?

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Are we talking about a whole series shot at a Theme Park or a single episode.

If single episode: Blue Peter

Whole series: The Walt Disney Disneyland Show

Movie: Scooby-Doo (ok not a real park)

Wow I just realised how I managed to select two really childish selections.

No I don't still watch these if thats what you are thinking!

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  Teacups Make Me Sick said:
^Didn't Step by Step show the family frolicking through a doctored up version of SFMM during the theme song?


Yes, it looked like a mix of Six Flags Magic Mountain and a fairground. I know that Colossus and Tidal Wave are both shown with the family on them.


Oh, and I found the video:


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I know that in Family Guy, Peter takes Stewie to Disneyworld, and in the Simpsons (does this count?) they go to that Itchy and Scratchy place.


In real shows, the only one I can think of is a show I saw one time, where people would try to conquer their fears of things like height by riding and learning about roller coasters.

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  Voyage_luvr said:
  Teacups Make Me Sick said:
^Didn't Step by Step show the family frolicking through a doctored up version of SFMM during the theme song?


Yes, it looked like a mix of Six Flags Magic Mountain and a fairground. I know that Colossus and Tidal Wave are both shown with the family on them.


Oh, and I found the video:



The only thing that bothered me about that was that they turned SFMM into a seaside park.

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I received season one of "CHiPs" on DVD for Christmas, and it included an episode with Ponch and Jon briefly visiting Magic Mountain (for lunch, no less).


"CHiPs" is the one show that always made me wish I lived in southern California.


Oh, and I think I remember reading somewhere that the "Three's Company" opening mentioned at the top of this thread was filmed at Pacific Ocean Park, but I could be wrong.

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OMG...How can I forget 90210 when the class went on a trip to Magic Mountain.


Donna told Andrea that riding rollercoasters was the same as having sex. Although Andrea was very scared...she mustered up some courage and rode Viper!


Donna almost got her bag stollen.


Brandon was working the Pit b/c Nat called out sick...Steve was busy trying to get in some tour guides pants, in the process had to help her group meet celebrities (his mom got dissed).


I need to get a life.

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  Teacups Make Me Sick said:
OMG...How can I forget 90210 when the class went on a trip to Magic Mountain.


Donna told Andrea that riding rollercoasters was the same as having sex. Although Andrea was very scared...she mustered up some courage and rode Viper!


Donna almost got her bag stollen.


Brandon was working the Pit b/c Nat called out sick...Steve was busy trying to get in some tour guides pants, in the process had to help her group meet celebrities (his mom got dissed).

SUCH A GREAT EPISODE! lol That whole series up until the time Brenda left was great! Though one thing that I always found cheesy was how it was supposedly Senior Ditch Day for West Beverly High, and yet the students were bussed there. Not to mention there were banners around the park saying 'West Beverly Senior Ditch Day" or something to that extent. It's not ditching if it's school sponsored. Anyhow...DONNA MARTIN GRADUATES!


Here's a few more:


Blossom (Gawd how embarrassing! ) @ Disneyland


Viper at SFMM on Encino Man


Viper at SFMM on True Romance


I'm sure there's no need to mention good ol' Wally World


Colossus on Wild And Crazy Kids (some cheese ball competition show on Nick a long while back)


Space Mountain in Florida on Golden Girls


That's all I can think of at the moment.

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  cosmic hearse said:
:airtime: SUCH A GREAT EPISODE! lol That whole series up until the time Brenda left was great! Though one thing that I always found cheesy was how it was supposedly Senior Ditch Day for West Beverly High, and yet the students were bussed there. Not to mention there were banners around the park saying 'West Beverly Senior Ditch Day" or something to that extent. It's not ditching if it's school sponsored. Anyhow...DONNA MARTIN GRADUATES!


Your so right about the 90210's "Ditch Day". Wasn't Mrs. Teasley (sp?) or Gil at MM? Why didn't they just make it a senior field trip?


Onto another early 90's classic: Saved By the Bell's "Ditch Day" was an actual absence (Zack having to sneak out of every class to win the bet with Slater). Although they didn't wind up at an amusement park...so this is totally irrelevant (sorry).

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These are some movies I know about with carnivals, or amusement parks.


• National Lampoon's Vacation (Wallyworld-Six Flags Magic Mountain)

• Mighty Joe Young (Carnival-Yo-Yo, Ferris Wheel, Maybe Gravitron, Zipper?)

• The Luck of the Irish (Disney Movie, Carnival in movie)- I forgot what rides except for a Ferris Wheel.

• Grease (1)- There is a Eyerly Spider/Octopus, Round Up, Scrambler, and a Ferris Wheel,


• Thrill (Roller Coaster Movie- This guy tries to b the park. There are other rides like Tilt-A-Whirl, Kamikaze, Scrambler, Log Ride, Motion Simulator, and so on.)

• Roller Coaster movie (This is that stupid movie where those kids go to an amusement park, and take over. However, it has some really great rides in it like the Zipper, Orbiter, Wave Swinger, Polyp ride, and etc. )

• Richie Rich- This movie has Iron Wolf.


• Beverly Hills Cop (3)- They show Paramount’s Great America in California (Sky Whirl and Demon are noted.)

• The Little Rascals- There is a Tilt-A-Whirl and a Ferris Wheel in this movie.

• BIG- There was a carnival in this movie. I forgot about what rides were in it though.


Charlotte’s Web (New Version)- Zipper, Alpine Bobs type

Joe Dirt- There is a Zipper, and a Tilt-A-Whirl plus more.

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  VivaLaVibora said:
These are some movies I know about with carnivals, or amusement parks.


• National Lampoon's Vacation (Wallyworld-Six Flags Magic Mountain)

• Mighty Joe Young (Carnival-Yo-Yo, Ferris Wheel, Maybe Gravitron, Zipper?)

• The Luck of the Irish (Disney Movie, Carnival in movie)- I forgot what rides except for a Ferris Wheel.

• Grease (1)- There is a Eyerly Spider/Octopus, Round Up, Scrambler, and a Ferris Wheel,


• Thrill (Roller Coaster Movie- This guy tries to b the park. There are other rides like Tilt-A-Whirl, Kamikaze, Scrambler, Log Ride, Motion Simulator, and so on.)

• Roller Coaster movie (This is that stupid movie where those kids go to an amusement park, and take over. However, it has some really great rides in it like the Zipper, Orbiter, Wave Swinger, Polyp ride, and etc. )

• Richie Rich- This movie has Iron Wolf.


• Beverly Hills Cop (3)- They show Paramount’s Great America in California (Sky Whirl and Demon are noted.)

• The Little Rascals- There is a Tilt-A-Whirl and a Ferris Wheel in this movie.

• BIG- There was a carnival in this movie. I forgot about what rides were in it though.


Charlotte’s Web (New Version)- Zipper, Alpine Bobs type

Joe Dirt- There is a Zipper, and a Tilt-A-Whirl plus more.


One can actually write an entire book about the number of times various rides and parks have appeared in the movies. Talking into the HUNDREDS and dating back to the days of silent pictures in the 1920's and chances are even before then too.


There was a very good movie from the 1940's about two young boys who take a trip to New York's Coney Island ( of course just about every single ride there was featured ) and I believe there was an old Alfred Hitchcock movie from the 50's where a merry-go-round breaks apart after speeding at full blast. Wish I knew the title of that?


And we can't forget the 1973 flick "Paper Moon" with Ryan and Tatum O'Neal. Even though that movie was made in 1973, it was set in the 30's and from what I remember the rides featured in the movie ( the ferris wheel and octopus ) were actual vintage rides from that time period.

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Did anyone forget the Giant Dipper at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk was in The Lost Boys a good bit and also in Dangerous Minds. Also the movie Fear had some wood coaster in it. Then of course there is Final Destination 3. The beginning of Knocked Up has them riding Excelerator, Silver Bullet and Knott's drop tower (forget what it's called.)

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I don't think anyone's mentioned this yet which is a surprise but lets not forget the infamous "rollercoaster" thriller and the Revolution crash scene.


Also there was an episode of King of Queens I think is the show were they were at Magic Mountain riding Goliath.


In my opinion the best episode of Full house was when they all went to disneyworld. that show was really cool!

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  cathyJ said:

There was a very good movie from the 1940's about two young boys who take a trip to New York's Coney Island ( of course just about every single ride there was featured ) and I believe there was an old Alfred Hitchcock movie from the 50's where a merry-go-round breaks apart after speeding at full blast. Wish I knew the title of that?


I think you're thinking of "Strangers on a Train" which is an awesome film. A buddy of mine actually gave me this awful movie to watch from 1973 called "The Clones" because it featured a shootout on a roller coaster and featured Gregory Sierra from Barney Miller. I didn't know what this coaster was for a long time - I assumed it was at the LA county fairgrounds, but didn't know. Apparently it was there, someone has full details on YouTube.


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