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Photo TR: KNOEBELS!!....with a side of WDW

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If I hadn't had three experienced tour guides with me, I too, would've wandered aimlessly for a while just trying to get my bearings. But that's exactly what I loved the most about the place...it's so non-conventional.


That's what happened to us. We wound up stumbling through the campgrounds while looking for Twister. Although I do enjoy the random nature of Knoebels, it would be nice if they could do something about the dust.

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I think Jer and I need to visit Knoebel's with someone who 'gets' it, because I really don't.


Andrew and I are possibly heading that way in August, and I'd love to squeeze in Knoebels if we can. You and Jer are more than welcome to tag along for the road trip. I'm thinking Knoebels, Hershey, and SFGAdv can be done in one extended weekend.


Great trip report. Is it just me or does the atmosphere there seem to be kind of like a mix between Indiana Beach and Holiday World? Especially with the Fascination game! I missed out on it during the MidWest trip, so I would definitely want to give it a try.

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I've managed to rack enough points on my VISA card for a free domestic round trip flight, and I've been trying to figure out where I want to go. At first I would just return to Florida for WDW, but the more I think about it, the more I'd like to go a bit north and experience something new...like Kennywood, Knoebels...


I think that would be the better choice.



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Great TR! As someone who lives so close to the park and gets to visit many times a year (go ahead, start hating ) it's nice to read the viewpoints of people who only visit occasionally.


I agree, Knoebels is not a park you'll enjoy if you are on a time schedule. It's definitely a place to just go with the flow. Knoebels doesn't have any record breakers-- although it definitely has some one of a kind attractions.


In addition to what other posters have mentioned, I think the other thing that makes Knoebels a special place is the attitude of the employees and ownership. Maybe you'll wait awhile to get on a ride, but once on you know you're going to get a much longer ride than you'll get in other parks. I don't think I've ever seen the trains on Phoenix stacked more than once. Both coaster crews pride themselves on swift, efficient dispatch times.


The people at Knoebels sincerely care about their guests and want to provide a fun experience. Plus, unlike other places I've been, I've never had the feeling I was being held by the ankles and shaken until every last bit of change fell out of my pockets.


BTW, at one time where the Knoebels sign is WAS the entrance to the park. That was before my time, but when I was a kid the only things across the road were the Merry Mixer, Pioneer Train, and the pool. And that road was the entrance to the park (no Knoebels parkway). And now back to your regular 21st century programming.

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Did anyone else notice Kozmo's holding a can of Pepsi in the "My kind of fun" logo? I didn't read through every post since but I kinda think thats a bit tacky/un-knoebels (especially with the pepsi logo right there as well). Great pics still though I just found that odd and a little less subtle advertising then I expected Knoebels to go.

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That's not the most shocking thing about Knoebels relationship with Pepsi. That dis-honor goes to their picnic policy. Would you believe you're not allowed to have a tap setup with anything other than Pepsi products?

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Did anyone else notice Kozmo's holding a can of Pepsi in the "My kind of fun" logo? I didn't read through every post since but I kinda think thats a bit tacky/un-knoebels (especially with the pepsi logo right there as well). Great pics still though I just found that odd and a little less subtle advertising then I expected Knoebels to go.


That's probably part of the deal though. We'll (Pepsico) give you a great price on the product if you give us some blah blah throughout the park. Don't forget they mention Pepsi on every recycling bin as well.


Now how many noticed the ashtray on the fascination table? LOL-- or is that just a change holder? Uh-huh.

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That's not the most shocking thing about Knoebels relationship with Pepsi. That dis-honor goes to their picnic policy. Would you believe you're not allowed to have a tap setup with anything other than Pepsi products?


What is the big deal with that? PepsiCo probably has that as part of the deal as the supplier of beverages at the park. Nothing new there.

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The big deal is that Knoebels lets you bring your own food, beverages (non-alcoholic), pets, take your camera on rides, and whatnot, so to tell you you can't bring a Coke tap if you want one at your picnic is seriously incongruous. Yes, it's because they have a contract with Pepsi, but that's a very stupid thing to have in a contract, because it regulates the behavior of the public, not the park. It's not like Knoebels is setting up a Coke tap themselves. (Although I would object to even that provision in the contract if it was my business. I'm a libertarian, but I'm not the sort of libertarian who thinks that the rights of corporations should trump the rights of the public.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Honestly, I hate to bump old stuff, especially when it's your own. But I was going through and cleaning up pics, etc., and realized I never really fully completed this trip report. And if one thing's for certain, I hate to leave reports unfinished. So here we go.


I skipped some stuff to get to Knoebels, and I couldn't possibly not show at least one monorail pic, right?


And finally, I'll end with this....one of my biggest pet peeves. Moving sidewalks are not difficult, people.


And then I joined other casual travelers as we watched "The Truth" take on LeBron.


Sadly it was time to become a casual traveler.


This is why. hehe


One more look at the monstah before I show you why Boston chicks rule.




Mmmmmmmmmmmm, Fenway Frank!!!!


If this were a night game, that pic would probably look a lot different.


I'm challenging the youth to get that reference.


And watch Manny be Manny. I really have no clue who he's throwing to here. But then again, he probably doesn't either when you think about it. Love ya, Manny!


You sit near the monstah, baby!


Was it standing room only? When you mention you're a participant in the Big Mike Road Show, of course not!



Welcome to the greatest ballpark on the planet. Time to find my seat.


And speaking of Boston stuff, that's where I ended up after I dropped off the car. Six hours to kill before my flight, and both the Celts and Sox playing across town from each other. Since I knew a Game 7 ticket vs. LeBron was out of the question, it was time to visit Fenway again!


Where I now realize why Paul Pierce was NBA Finals MVP. It obviously had everything to do with me driving a car with his number a month earlier.


And one more look at Monorail Purple as we take the walk over to the MK.


This is what heaven looks like to Rick. ;)


Monorail porn.


I'm gonna try to channel Dave here. In my opinion, they should leave the bridge as is.....only add a swinging rope, and a pit below with fire-spitting giraffes.


A look at the construction of the newest building. Easy ladies, don't get too excited.


These ducks help handle your luggage. Don't forget to tip.


We headed over to the Contemporary for awhile.....pretty much just because it's awesome.


"Thanks, Gary. It sure is warm out here." ;)


Yay Monorail Gold!!


Well, at least someone in line had a little talent.




As I mentioned, by law, this just has to make an appearance.

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Welcome to the greatest ballpark on the planet.

eh, Fenway is my #3... Wrigley is tops!




Assuming, of course, that there is a beer in your other hand, or at least in the cup holder while you take the pic


oh, and Shan sitting next to you would be even better right?

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The big deal is that Knoebels lets you bring your own food, beverages (non-alcoholic), pets, take your camera on rides, and whatnot, so to tell you you can't bring a Coke tap if you want one at your picnic is seriously incongruous. Yes, it's because they have a contract with Pepsi, but that's a very stupid thing to have in a contract, because it regulates the behavior of the public, not the park. It's not like Knoebels is setting up a Coke tap themselves. (Although I would object to even that provision in the contract if it was my business. I'm a libertarian, but I'm not the sort of libertarian who thinks that the rights of corporations should trump the rights of the public.)


I don't even have anything to say to this....

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^ Nice work. Yeah, I had to laugh when I saw his name up there. I always hated that song.


Welcome to the greatest ballpark on the planet.

eh, Fenway is my #3... Wrigley is tops!




Assuming, of course, that there is a beer in your other hand, or at least in the cup holder while you take the pic


oh, and Shan sitting next to you would be even better right?


Fenway #3, and Wrigley #1? Good Lord, I shudder to think what's #2? I *think* I can at least rule out where your Marlins play.


And yes, there was most certainly a beer present; however not photographed. Shan would also make things significantly better as well.

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^ Nice work. Yeah, I had to laugh when I saw his name up there. I always hated that song.

Thank you. Pure guess followed by a Google check. Recognized the song ref but couldn't remember the artist.


Anyway, got a good laugh of Monorail Bingo or Roulette? And dude, that Frank was ginormous. (Try's to step carefully through the Innuendo Minefield.)

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