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Hersheypark 2011 [RCT3]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is some bad news about the project.

It seems like my new RCT3 CD won't allow me to upload the Soaked or Wild expansion packs. The cause I believe is something on the CD. I does however seem to allow me to play the original version, so hope is not entirely lost.

Because of this, Hersheypark on RCT3 is being put on hold until I am able to get Platinium to solve this problem. I do plan on making a filler project until I get the new CD.

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  Ccron10 said:
Here is some bad news about the project.

It seems like my new RCT3 CD won't allow me to upload the Soaked or Wild expansion packs. The cause I believe is something on the CD. I does however seem to allow me to play the original version, so hope is not entirely lost.

Because of this, Hersheypark on RCT3 is being put on hold until I am able to get Platinium to solve this problem. I do plan on making a filler project until I get the new CD.


That's probably a registry issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Fahrenheit's corkscrews are not in alternating directions. It's a continous double inversion. They face the same direction. If you don't believe me you can look up a POV. It's hard to see in most pictures but you should be able to tell in this picture:

I am aware of this, but it can't be fixed. If I tried doing this, it would ruin Fahrenheit's layout even more. It is the same way with Trailblazer; the layout is not completely like the real thing and it had to be made that way for everything to fit.


I have good news.

Last night I bought a new RCT3 CD and I can now get back to work on the park. I did have another CD besides the one that blew up, but somehow it turned out to be a fake. I got it from Amazon too which is strange.

Apperantly I do have a new update. Since the last time I worked on the park, I just finished Great Bear's station and queue area. I also finished Trailblazer's station, added a few pieces of western scenery and the bridge for Dry Gulch Railroad.







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Trailblazer Area Nearly Finished


Here's my first actual new update since April and it's not much. I add the rest of the supports to Storm Runner, installed some more fences around Trailblazer and add it's entrance sign. The catering area was also built as well.


More Soon.


Here's a look at the finished area between Storm Runner and Trailblazer.


Trailblazer Catering Area


Trailblazer's entrance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Summer Is Here... It's Boardwalk Season!


Well since it's Memorial Day weekend and since the real park opened its Seaquel, I thought I'd finish the Boardwalk section in my park.


Everything for the midway is finished execpt for the Boardwalk sign and the path lights.

The next thing on my agenda is Roller Soaker and the area in front of the Tidal Force lighthouse.


Once the back of the park is finished, I plan on adding Storm Runner's station finally to the best of my abilities then turn my attention to Tudor Grill and Rhineland. Once that's done, I'll add the last of the buildings in Music Box Way, Minetown and Pioneer Frontier. I also need to finish the last two pieces of the Skyview custom scenery.


At this point I am aiming for a late June release date which will feature what I have done so far (Version 0.9). Next will be the 2009 version with the seaquel (Version 0.99) and then finally Midway America and the rest of the Boardwalk (Version 1.0). What I plan on doing with the park after this will be a suprise.


Now where did my bathingsuit go?


Now where did the guests go?


My next fashion victim in-sight.


Gotta love those guest cloaking devices!


Complete with the old lifeguard shack.


More soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Roller Soaker:

Most of the back of the park is almost finished. Roller Soaker is finished with the supports and station added. I just need to add the First Aid building, then I will turn my attension to the mid-section and front of the park.






More soon.

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  • 3 months later...

Tudor Square Completion

I have been working on this recreation for over 2 years and I am now at the point where it is very close to being finished. From here on, I will be going back over the areas, and finishing them. Right now the first finished section I have done is Tudor Square. All the buildings have been built including the Tudor Grill, Chocolate House, Guest Services and restrooms. All the scenery has been added as well.

The next area to be done is Rhineland. More soon.


Tudor Square: Completed! Several more areas to go.

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Pretty bad at times. Right now I have the graphics set at either Quality or High Quality and if you are working on the outside corners of the park facing the edge of the map, it moves smoothly. I found that whenever you a some lag, just open up the options menu and it speeds it up.


I've started moving on to Rhineland. More soon.


More soon.


The Kosher Mart/ Old Sky Ride building.

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  • 6 months later...

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