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Nicolas Cage begs Disney to build 'National Treasure' ride.

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It was pretty good, just a fun movie to watch. Nothing mind blowing or anything and it could make a pretty cool ride.


I think that sums it up well.



I think National Treasure falls along the same lines as the first Mummy movie, it won't win any Oscars, but it's a movie you can just go to to have a good time. ...and I also agree that it would make for a cool ride.

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I think that a National Treasure attraction could work, and it could have little or nothing to do with Nicolas Cage. The movie actually draws attention to the history of our country, and patriotism is always popular, if somewhat controversial at the time. From the looks of late night TV and the "man on the street" segments that Leno does, everybody could learn a bit more about the history of our nation.


Basing a ride on something exciting and historical, yet somewhat educational sounds like a Disney idea in itself. And what many people don't realize is that both movies highlight events and places that are right in every 5th grade history book. Yes, it's embellished and glamorized, but isn't that exactly what movies are supposed to be? As somebody mentioned previously, Disney does actually market itself for children and families, so I think this ride could work. But maybe that's just the history geek and the teacher in me, though.


Oh, as some of may already know, Nicolas Cage's last name was originally Coppola, as in Francis Ford Coppola, the movie director who is also Nicolas's uncle. He changed his name early in so he could make a name for himself, rather than ride off the family name. I've been on again, off again in my opinion of Cage and his movies. I definitely prefer his action films over his more dramatic roles, though I'm certain that has much to do with the sarcastic characters he portrays in action movies.

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Had it been built, a National Treasure ride would have no doubt gone there. But it didn't happen. Case closed, I say.


Best part of that article:


But the main factor was that the Knott family had rejected Disney's bid since they were afraid that the Imagineers would replace much of what their parents had originally put into the park. Ironically, Cedar Fair (the company that bought the park 2 years later) ended up taking out more than what the Imagineers’ plans had called for.



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