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Photo TR: Disneyland and California Adventure

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Hello everyone!


After five years, my family and I finally made it back down to the DLR. As always, park operations were very good, the staff was friendly, and all the rides were running great! As an added bonus, the lines were short! The longest one we waited in was 40 minutes for Nemo's Submarine Voyage.


None of us had ridden Pirates of the Caribbean since the changes were made, and we were worried that they might have ruined it. We were wrong. Not that much was different and we all enjoyed it.


Splash Mountain was great! None of us remembered all those drops! It is definitely on the top of my water rides list.


Matterhorn, Big Thunder, and all the classics were great also.


Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters exeeded our expectations. We all agreed that it was much better than the Sally shooting rides.


It had been 11 years since I had ridden Space Mountain, and it was not at all how I remembered it! It was awesome! When I was three years old and I went on it, I could see the track. This time, I never knew where I was going. Even though it didn't have any good drops, it had G-force in a lot of spots and I really enjoyed it. My mom didn't ride, because she gets sick from almost any rides in the dark. My dad and Giovannni rode with me and they didn't like it at all. Giovanni said that it felt like we were moving backwards, and that he would never go on it again! My dad felt nauseous for the next 30 minutes, and he had to sit out our next ride. He can go on just about anything, but Space Mountain really got to him. I was the only one who liked it!


My mom and little brother had never been to California Adventure, so that was exciting. We all rode Soarin' and loved it.


Then we moved on to Mullholand Madness and California Screamin'.


Madness' breaks were on too hard, and we got slammed on almost every trim.


California Screamin' was the exact opposite. It was running like it did years ago! I was so surprised. It felt as if the trims weren't even turned on, and I got airtime on every bunny hop! It was smooth as glass, and I even felt a little G-force.


We had never ridden Tower of Terror, so we were really looking forward to it. It was fun! Not very intense, but fun. I was expecting it to be a little bit less floaty, but it was still far better than Maliboomer.


Anyway, we all had a great time and will certainly visit again after the California Adventure expansion. The only letdown was that my brother got several new credits and I didn't get any. In another week though, I'll have some new ones!!!!! Watch for another Photo TR!


Enjoy the pics,





Well, that's about all for this TR. Thanks for reading!


It's a Small World was all decked out for Christmas, and it actually looked really nice!


The Autopia cars were too slow and I began getting a headache from the smell in the air. I'm not interested in riding that one again.


What the hell just happened?! Space Mountain definitely caught us off guard!


Goodnight Paradise Pier. Back to Disneyland!


TOT! This is the funniest picture ever taken of me on a drop tower. Giovanni's face is pretty funny too. We were both bracing ourselves for the big drop when they took the picture. The "big drop" was fun, but it was certainly not Drop Zone!


It was just meh....... Nothing compared to the Double Shot at SCBB or Dragon's Tower at Castle Park.


Prepare for launch!


LOL at my dad's face! We were both expecting so much out of this ride, but it was the one ride at DLR that really let us down.


If only the trims weren't so hard! We still like Technic Test Track better.


The one really fun part on Mullholand is this drop.


Hey, a giant tree! We walked through it, only to find a dead end path.


Even Giovanni doesn't know why he's making this face, he loved the ride!




The front was great! Let's try it in the back.


Giovanni's favorite ride at the DLR........California Screamin'!


We all liked it so much, we rode twice. My mom beat us all both times. :)


Shoot those targets!


Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters is the best shooting ride we've ever been on.


Our first ride of the day. YAY for the Matterhorn!


We both have our front teeth missing!


We started our day with breakfast at Goofy's Kitchen. This girls face looks fake. As you can see, her painted eyebrows aren't even where her real ones are!

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Those "scream shields" are on Maliboomer for the same reason they put that shed over GhostRider's first drop at Knott's. It helps keep the noise down.


My personal feeling is that if you don't like that kind of noise, don't buy a home next to a theme park.



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Nice TR!


It actually looks to me in this photo as if he could quite easily climb out of that, or at least it looks very loose around him.

I've always been able to leave my restraint very loose while riding Screamin'...Most of the time, it seems that the ride ops are just making sure your restraint is locked, not checking that it is snug.

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