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Rockwood Theme Park [Rct3] Update #2 *6-27-2007*

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A new theme park has been built in the mountains of Pennsylvania. This park will feature top notch thrills and first class theming. Although the park will have many thrills for those thrill seekers out there, park manager Zack Lloyd said, "We are going to provide rides and attractions for the family, as well as thrill seekers." So far the park has two rides a Zamperla Disk'o named "Spin Wood", and a Intamin Accelerator named "Cougar". Here are some pictures from my V.I.P visit to the park.



Spin Wood.


Cougar's station.


The rides photo center.


Zack testing out the park's first coaster. This train is launching, which leads into a high speed turn.


After the turn, you take on the first of two airtime hills.


Mmm twisty Intamin goodness leading into.....


Another airtime hill!


After yet another airtime hill, you take on another high speed turn, into a zero-g-roll. Then you take a turn into another zero-g!


Fountains almost touch you as you go through this zero-g. But don't worry you still get wet by mist.


Then you take one final turn into the brakes.


Yellow train sitting on in the transfer station.


Ending this update with a midway BEFORE picture, the after picture will come next update...


More soon.



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Looks good so far.


I know this has been talked about so many times but how do you make the tracks intersect?


THis is exactly what I put in the options page:


Language English

AttractionSceneryAllowTerrainIntersect 1

AttractionSceneryAllowSceneryIntersect 1

TrackAllowSameTrackIntersect 1


Please correct anything I have done wrong.

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Update #2



So today, I got a call by my friend and he was at the park, he told me there were 3 new flats and a new coaster! I got in my car and rushed up there. When I got there, I was surprised by the new rides! They were very fun and a great addition to the park! The next ride/attraction is said to be one of the "themed" rides.


The first new flat, a inverter ship named AirVert.


They also added a new restaurant on the midway!


Second flat, an indoor scrambler named Twist-N-Shout.


The Cougar "Launch-watch" is now finished.


I snagged a picture of the yellow train launching. And I got my credit for the yellow train!


Red train ascending the first airtime hill with the third flat to the right.


Round About.


New coaster, Timber's entrance.


Yay! Flying Turn, the station was very well themed. With a shoot out simulation going on.


When you exit, the other two trains say good bye on the block brakes.


A train climbing the lift, as one awaits for departure.


This ride was awesome!



More soon!

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^I just changed them for the picture, there is no way in Rct3 to get different color trains.



And thanks for all the replies guys! I will post an overview next update for you. The next update is gonna be more of a theme update, so don't expect any big rides. But expect some heavy theming, and possibly a new small family ride, but no big thrills in the next update....



Keep checking back for updates!

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