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Photo TR: 12 parks in 11 Days Midwest Tour!!!

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Wildwater Kingdom was supposed to be much bigger but with anything CF starts...when it's finished, its far from the renderings. WWK was supposed to be like the "BE ALL" of all parks and we were so excited to see what was to come...but hey...they did pretty good with what they got and I agree, they DEF need more slides. Speed Slides is what their really missing along with the Surf attraction.

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I just could not get over how crowded the place was. If they wanted to do it right, they need to build another tower complex on the other side of the wave pool to stretch the crowds out a little. As is, all of the slides are in one spot and thus it looks busier than it really is --- though it is pretty busy.

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I hear Beast is nothing special.

I'll have you know that Beast is my #3 coaster. That's even ahead of Voyage.



Ahahaha, Number #3, haha.



The Beast is nothing special. It's really quite pointless now with the magnetic trims. Just a ride through the woods with brakes every 1500 feet or so. To be honest, I liked recaR and the kiddie wooden coaster more than The Beast.


And the funniest part is the sign at the entrance that claims that "enthusiasts from all over the world recognize The Beast as a top 10 wooden roller coaster." Are you kidding me? The ride is this:



-Drop with brakes (no airtime and slow)



-More brakes

-Slow drop


-Long straight with brakes at the end

-Boring turns, hills, and tunnels with no speed (caused by brake)

-Former airtime hill that now has an anti-rollback strip at the top because the speed was greatly lowered by the brakes.


-Straightaway into double helix with brakes

-Neutered double helix

-End of ride


It's really just a scenic ride through the woods.




Anyway, back on topic, GL was really dead when I was there (June 5th, a Tuesday with cold and cloudy weather). It's almost depressing when you enter a park and there are more employees than guests. I'd give it 2 or maybe 3 more years before it fails and all the rides are shipped off to other CF parks. Maybe Carowinds will get Dominator...

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I hear Beast is nothing special.

I'll have you know that Beast is my #3 coaster. That's even ahead of Voyage.



Ahahaha, Number #3, haha.



The Beast is nothing special. It's really quite pointless now with the magnetic trims. Just a ride through the woods with brakes every 1500 feet or so. To be honest, I liked recaR and the kiddie wooden coaster more than The Beast.


And the funniest part is the sign at the entrance that claims that "enthusiasts from all over the world recognize The Beast as a top 10 wooden roller coaster." Are you kidding me? The ride is this:



-Drop with brakes (no airtime and slow)



-More brakes

-Slow drop


-Long straight with brakes at the end

-Boring turns, hills, and tunnels with no speed (caused by brake)

-Former airtime hill that now has an anti-rollback strip at the top because the speed was greatly lowered by the brakes.


-Straightaway into double helix with brakes

-Neutered double helix

-End of ride


It's really just a scenic ride through the woods.




Anyway, back on topic, GL was really dead when I was there (June 5th, a Tuesday with cold and cloudy weather). It's almost depressing when you enter a park and there are more employees than guests. I'd give it 2 or maybe 3 more years before it fails and all the rides are shipped off to other CF parks. Maybe Carowinds will get Dominator...


Oh my god, let me have a f*cking opinion.

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And the funniest part is the sign at the entrance that claims that "enthusiasts from all over the world recognize The Beast as a top 10 wooden roller coaster."


At one time, before Beast got neutered, it was in my top 10, but in all fairness, so was GhostRider and Texas Giant -- both of which have fallen a long way from my top 10.

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^My point exactly. Maybe at one time it was great, but now it's awful. My apologies for (a) not judging it on past performance or (b) going along with a bunch of fat ACErs who still claim that Beast is the best woodie and Magnum is the best steel.

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I doubt any coaster ride will ever top my very first ride on the Beast in 79 when I was twelve, when I waited about three hours in line for it with the dread and anticipation building up in me the whole time. It's been topped by other coasters but you'll never see me dissin' it. Viva la Beast!

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^My point exactly. Maybe at one time it was great, but now it's awful. My apologies for (a) not judging it on past performance or (b) going along with a bunch of fat ACErs who still claim that Beast is the best woodie and Magnum is the best steel.


Don't generalize. I'm an ACEr and (a) am not fat, actually I am below where my BMI should be (b) Magnum and Beast are FAR from the tops of my "best" lists © Don't like gravy.

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^My point exactly. Maybe at one time it was great, but now it's awful. My apologies for (a) not judging it on past performance or (b) going along with a bunch of fat ACErs who still claim that Beast is the best woodie and Magnum is the best steel.


Yea, it's harsh, but true. Maggie is still a top coaster for me though

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Don't generalize. I'm an ACEr and (a) am not fat, actually I am below where my BMI should be (b) Magnum and Beast are FAR from the tops of my "best" lists © Don't like gravy.



You missed the point. I was going for the imagery of the fat ACEr who says "Magnum and Beast are the best coasters in the world!" and who worships CP.


Anyway, back on topic, what was your next park?

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You missed the point. I was going for the imagery of the fat ACEr who says "Magnum and Beast are the best coasters in the world!" and who worships CP.

I don't actually know any ACErs who think that. I think you're being too harsh here.

And only about half of all ACErs are even overweight.

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Still on Day 5...


After walking through Wildwater Kingdom we decided it was way too busy for us and decided to head back to Sandusky. On the way back, Missy saw a sign advertising Kalahari's day passes and she decided we should go check that out. Turn out she made a good decision as we had a lot of fun.


Recommend waiting and doing the twilight deal as it saves money and the park is pretty empty then.


This place is going to be huge when the new addition gets finished. The new addition building is just as big if not bigger than the one that currently houses the entire park.


Park #6 Kalahari - Sandusky are below.

Entire gallery is here: http://midwestinfoguide.com/gallery/waterparks/kalsan/


LOOOONG lazy river


Another view of slides


Body Slides/Tube Slides/Family Raft Slide


Activity Pool


Lilly pad crossing


Boogie Board/Surf thing


Play Fort and Zip Coaster


The pretty entrance to Kalahari resort

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It is a lot of fun and with that huge expansion, you can bet we'll go there again next time we are in Sandusky.


Octopus Racer slides, wave pool, Bowl tandem raft slides, Behemoth Bowl clover raft slides, and even more slides. This thing is going to be huge

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Day 6: We left our motel in Sandusky and made the almost 4 hour trip to Pittsburgh to visit a new park for us -- Kennywood. We both fell in love with the park. We will definitely hit it up again next time we are in this part of the country


Park #7 Kennywood

For all 104 photos see our Kennywood Gallery


Bye, Kennywood! Thanks for a great day!!!


I loved the Thunderbolt




From the 1st drop, this thing is nothing but pure fun


Possibly one my top favorite woodies


Yes I rode it -- and yes it was fun!


then I finally remembered that it is a continuous track coaster... sun must have been getting to me to make me forget


Had to ride it several times -- confused me when I came into the station on the "wrong" side


How can you not love this ride?


Don't get me wrong, I still liked it


Really the only thing it has going for it is the triple down -- which was fun


Jackrabbit was all right


I'm sure no one has ever taken this photo before


This coaster was awesome


I likes they rollycoaster


That's one tall drop tower


Never opened while we were there :(


I really liked this ride and after talking to my bro, it sounds as if KW's is much better than the one at BPB


This was a fun log flume


Neat theme to an Aero 360 ride


Needs a good refurbishment. The sound was off in a lot of places.


Turtle, turtle


This ride was a lot of fun -- is it really the only one in the US?


Kangaroo was one of the weirdest rides I have ever seen




The swings were a lot of fun too


Yeah WHIP! However, this one is not as good as Dorney's


Did not like this ride. Way too jerky and the spinning in the dark made me nauseous


SwingShot was a lot of fun


This was interesting


They also had pretty flower beds


I really liked this one


There are a lot of pretty fountains here


Entrance to heaven? Well maybe a close second

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AJMouse, that ride is sort of weird. You get into boats and then go past some cutouts and some animatronics dealing with Garfield and Friends. It is really weird. Bascially everyone that Garfield has ever picked on gets even in his "nightmare".


307, I have no idea what the ride was like before the Garfield takeover. I just know that it was the Old Mill

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