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Cedar Fair Maxx Pass

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My Knotts Berry Farm pass just expired and I am planning a trip next week to get a new one. I just found out that I will be going to Cedar Point for 3 days in July or August so I am looking into getting a Maxx Pass.


My question is If I buy my Maxx Pass at Knotts can I add on the Joe Cool Club offer at Cedar Point or is that just for Cedar Point Pass holders? And If I wait and buy my Maxx Pass at Cedar Point is it good year round at Knotts or good for the Cedar Point season?

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Actually, only resort guests and Joe Cool Club Members get early Entry. Sorry, I can't help you on your original ?.


Maybe that's the policy, but my experience says it's not true in practice.

We have WoF Maxx Passes and were let in early ON MAVERICK'S OPENING DAY.


If one is let in early on a day like that, you'll always get in early.

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Actually, only resort guests and Joe Cool Club Members get early Entry. Sorry, I can't help you on your original ?.


No, you are wrong, both times I was at CP this summer, May 17 and 18 and June 13, they were letting people in early with only Maxx Passes.

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Hmmm, this will defenitly improve my hopeful summer trip next year. I'm going to get a Maxx pass because two of the parks on my agenda (CP and KI) are owned by Cedar Fair. After looking at the prices for the hotels onsite, I was dissapointed that we couldn't get early entry. But this is great news! Awesome!


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Actually both times I have been at the park this year they have checked for Joe Cool membership. You cannot get it with your Knotts pass only with a Cedar Point Pass. They let people to a certain point of the park's entrance(around the skyride) and block it off to everyone who doesn't have a Joe cool membership. Sorry Yo

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Actually both times I have been at the park this year they have checked for Joe Cool membership. You cannot get it with your Knotts pass only with a Cedar Point Pass. They let people to a certain point of the park's entrance(around the skyride) and block it off to everyone who doesn't have a Joe cool membership. Sorry Yo


Any non-Cedar Point Maxx pass is eligible for early entry.


Cedar Point passes are the only one's that require joe cool.


The lady at guest relations told me my CW Maxx pass was valid for early entry.

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Call the park they will tell you before I went to coaster mania i had a freind that was coming with us and he whanted to get a season pass. and i was not sure that you could buy one at that time so I called the park and the women at the park said that if you purchase it online and print it at home their whould be no problem getting in. we arrived their and it was open, what i would do is call the park and they tell you what you can do.

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