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The Mayor of Sadr City wants the US to build a Theme Park

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When Raheem al-Darraji looks at the dusty lots just east of Sadr City where scores of bodies have been dumped since last year, he visualizes a Ferris wheel, a roller coaster and perhaps a merry go-round.


"We should have an amusement park," said Darraji, one of two elected mayors in Sadr City, the sprawling Shiite neighborhood where U.S. and Iraqi troops have been peacefully clearing homes since March 4. "We want to rehabilitate the area so that families can have fun."


In an interview at his office, Darraji said the amusement park was one of several projects that community leaders are pushing U.S. officials to fund in negotiations about how to handle the Mahdi Army, the Shiite militia that has controlled the neighborhood for years.


A concentrated makeover of Sadr City, he said, would support plan's goals in two important ways: by giving young Mahdi militants an alternative to a life of violence and by providing residents with proof of the government's ability to improve their daily lives, diluting support for the militia.




If you could design this theme park what would you put in?

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Feast your eyes on the worst park known to man kind.


I just told my housemate from Egypt about Fantazy Land and he said he has been there. When I asked him if it was the worst Theme Park he has ever seen he said no way. He said that southern Egypt has a theme park that is worse where rust covers just about everything and where at least two dozen Egyptians have died when the rides malfunctioned in the past couple years. He also said that Iraq is known to have some pretty bad Theme Parks that people also die on a consistant basis in.

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I asked my friend to send me some pictures of the worst theme park in Egypt when he gets back home this summer. The park is about 15 miles from his house. He said the only way he could describe the park is that it is one giant death trap.


But, he also said he has heard there are theme parks in Iraq that are just as bad.

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How about a Topple Tower in the shape of Saddam Hussein?


suspended swinging coaster with the trains shaped to aeroplanes which ends up in a building with a massive explosion of fire within the building...



call it something like 'Terrorist Training Squad'

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Disney Muslim Zone, or DMZ for short. Disney's appealed to almost every country on the Planet, so it should work.


Yeah, BIG metal detectors would be a great idea. And any car/truck driving type ride should be monitored very carefully.


Now that is a good one.

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My Egyptian housmate said one of the problems with Middle Eastern Theme Parks is that there is no liability whatsoever. If a rail on a roller coaster gets bent and 30 people on the ride fly off to their deaths in Iraq, Syria, Iran, or other Middle Eastern countries the only thing that happens is that the theme park has to bend the rail back into place. They don't have to worry about being sued or punished for these deaths.


If this stuff happened in a US theme park the park would be sued out of buisness along with everyone who owned the park and many might be put in jail.


In the Middle East the Theme Parks really don't care if there rides are death traps or not.

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My Egyptian housmate said one of the problems with Middle Eastern Theme Parks is that there is no liability whatsoever. If a rail on a roller coaster gets bent and 30 people on the ride fly off to their deaths in Iraq, Syria, Iran, or other Middle Eastern countries the only thing that happens is that the theme park has to bend the rail back into place. They don't have to worry about being sued or punished for these deaths.


If this stuff happened in a US theme park the park would be sued out of buisness along with everyone who owned the park and many might be put in jail.


In the Middle East the Theme Parks really don't care if there rides are death traps or not.


Wow, given that info I'm surprised Disney doesn't have a ton of parks there. They're always getting sued for something.


I'll have to upload my my photochop from a while ago. I did Six Flags over Baghdad.

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Wow, given that info I'm surprised Disney doesn't have a ton of parks there. They're always getting sued for something.


I'll have to upload my my photochop from a while ago. I did Six Flags over Baghdad.


Well you have to subtract the fact most Americans and Europeans won't go to a country that they fear been suicide bombed like Egypt or other Middle Eastern countries.

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