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Suraidojin Park [RCT3]

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Built on the waste lands of Suraidojin, Suraidojin park is a beautiful park in a green setting. It was founded 46 years ago, and hasn't evolved much since. Untill last year, when a B&M hyper called Raji was added to the park.


Station with transfer track


One final bunny hop with strong ejector airtime




The turnaround


The second and thirth hill provide some strong airtime


First drop


After leaving the station, the train makes a 180° turn before the lifthill




The park has lot's of green


Entrance building and kiddie coaster called 'Kiddie Coaster'

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The lift hill looks like it could fall down any second. Sure, it is a Junior Hyper, but please do not make it look like the lift was built was 6 supports. The drop is seriously undersupported. I don't like the train colors, either. The basic colors clash with the coaster. Everything is decent.

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The lift hill looks like it could fall down any second. Sure, it is a Junior Hyper, but please do not make it look like the lift was built was 6 supports. The drop is seriously undersupported. I don't like the train colors, either. The basic colors clash with the coaster. Everything is decent.


Everyone has his opinion, but have you ever seen a B&M hyper coaster in real life before? They just don't have that many supports! The backbone of the track just supports everything. Check these pics of Silver Star and Nitro (which even are the 2 biggest B&M hypers)


About the colours: everyone has his own taste and I like them the way they are now


First drop only has 3 supports and it's over 70m high


Again not heavily supported


Lifthill doesn't have many supports!

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New announcement was made yesterday:


"We can confirm that we are planning on expanding the park over the next years. It has become time to stop being just a regional park and become a international magnet for thrillseekers. Investors are ready for it.

The first part of the plan is already finished. It consist of expanding the east side of the park with a rollercoaster and 3D Cinema. Plans for the coaster are finished and construction has started.

Over the next years the park should get some state of the art thrills, as well as other rides for the whole family. Suradojin Park is destined to become thrill haven No 1 in the world"


New coaster!

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Any chance of some videos? If you make some, put some of your piano music in the background. That would be great. I love this park so far. The hyper is really realistic. Even for RCT3 it's realistic. I really love the kiddie coaster too! I think the new woodie is a GCI full of airtime and twists and turns.

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Cool hyper but since its so small why do you have MCBR's on it. Your hyper reminds me alot of the Georgia Goliath and it doesnt have MCBR.


It's actually based on Silver Star

But I actually never wondered why I put those MCBR there... You're actually right IMO. Fact is that these MCBR do slow the train down alot and that that's better (more realistic) then without MCBR. I wouldn't want to experience that last bunny hop without those MCB


But with them Raji can operate 3 trains at once

But only 2 are used

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I still don't know why so many people were lined up to ride

your kiddie coaster.


Me neither! Suddenly the queu was full of people


You know what, I find that too when I play RCT2. Some peeps just like kiddy coasters I guess!


Nice job on the hyper, it reminds me of Silver Star. I skimmed over everything else... lol

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The expansion of the east side of the park is now complete. Esukareeta was tested yesterday and is ready to open.


Park overview


Everything is beautifully lid at night


This ride has alot of airtime hills


Station and twisty track




A new 3D cinema has been built

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