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Need some advice !


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I started school 2 weeks ago and this semester I have a German course. My homework for the week was to write a text to introduce myself. If you speak german, could you point me out what would be wrong with it, or if it is okay that way.


Thanks in advance !

By the way, I removed my full name because I don't want to say it over here !


Here it is :

Ich heiβe rcoasters. Ich komme aus Montreal. Das ist eine stadt in Kanada. Kanada ist ein groβes land in Amerika. Ich bin neunzehn Jahre alt un gehe ins Cegep Maisonneuve. Ich lerne Deutsch. Ich finde Physik und Mathematik interessant. Mein Vater ist Mechaniker und meine Mutter ist Hausfrau. Meine Hobbys sind Computer und Musik. Ich spreche natürlich Französisch und ein biβchen Deutsch.

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I actually understand that. I did 3 years of compulsary German (with some crazy ass real-german/austrian teacher) and I can't speak a word now. But for some reason I could read most of that.


The word 'Vater/Farter' still cracks me up...

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I'm taking German this year. Its my first year of German!


I've only learned the usual (ie Wie heisst du?) and some other stuff.


That's about where I am for now. Tomorrow were learning numbers and how to say postal codes, telephone numbers, etc !

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I'm taking German this year. Its my first year of German!


I've only learned the usual (ie Wie heisst du?) and some other stuff.


That's about where I am for now. Tomorrow were learning numbers and how to say postal codes, telephone numbers, etc !


We've gone way past that.


Today we were working with heisse and heisst.


Mostly like, asking people in a fluent way who they are, where they live, and how old they are.

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I'm taking German this year. Its my first year of German!


I've only learned the usual (ie Wie heisst du?) and some other stuff.


That's about where I am for now. Tomorrow were learning numbers and how to say postal codes, telephone numbers, etc !


We've gone way past that.


Today we were working with heisse and heisst.


Mostly like, asking people in a fluent way who they are, where they live, and how old they are.


We basically did that today + asking phone numbers, adress, etc ..


It's pretty fun

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