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Need to know something about Arkansas

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You know what Arkansas has?


Rock farms.


Do you guys know what rock farms sell?


That's right. Rocks.


I kid you not. I was Arkansas one time and I saw tables with rocks on them in front of some beat up house. In the front lawn was a sign that said "Rock Farm".


The only more ridiculous thing than that is that there were actual people there buying rocks from said farm.


I got a picture of it somewhere that I'll dig up and scan.


Oh Arkasas... you so silly.

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I heard the University of Arkansas' library burnt to the ground. Both books were destroyed. The really sad part is that one of them wasn't completely colored in yet.


That's actually a University of Mississippi joke but I changed it to fit in better here


I got a ton of these that one of my History professor's used to tell all the time in college. He had no problem poking fun of his own as he was a self respecting Southna'.

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Damn! An entire thread about Arkansas is created during the week I'm away in NYC.


To answer some questions...


Dogpatch U.S.A. is now privately owned, so you run the risk of being fined by sneaking in there, but some of the rides are standing.


Arkansas does have internet, but broadband and cable have yet to catch on.

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