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Six Flags customer service

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I just got back from SFOG a couple of days ago. They

have great rides and a great park. But the customer service stinks. It was

an extremely hot day which can be expected in July. It cost $3.00 for a

bottle of water. We had been to Dollywood a few weeks ago and they were

giving free water at any of the shops if you asked. Holiday World gives free

soft drinks.

I don't mind paying for a drink but $3.00 for water is ridiculous. Parking

was $15.00,that is just crazy. They had a new haunted house attraction but

it cost an additional $6.00. My wife and a friend went in and said it was a

total waste.

Don't get me wrong I expect to spend some money when I go to a park. But

when I spend the money I expect great customer service. The ride ops were

very slow and non attentive. The shops were hot, with little or no air

conditioning. Deja Vu was down as usual. Most Queue Lines didn't have any

type of fans or cooling. I wanted a good Superman coaster shirt. They didn't

have one, in fact they didn't have any good coaster shirts except for

Goliath. I had a good time, but with just a little better customer service

I could of had a great time. Perhaps the powers that be at Six Flags should

visit Holiday World, Dollywood or Cedar Point to find out what customer

service means.

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Good customer

service is


Disney is

the best

thing going





You'd think Six Flaggs would realize this but I guess looking for people content to working minimum wage is the best thing to do in their minds.


If you ask me, I'd like my home park of SF Great Adventure to go without building a multi-million dollar roller coaster for years to come if I knew that money would be allocated to hiring more qualified/better paid employees for the park.

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Wait, you mean you weren't distracted from the horrible customer service by the super duper neato new "family friendly" parades this year? I figured that, and not getting shot (like Lou said) would make you happy. I guess nothing works these days.

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It was

an extremely hot day which can be expected in July. It cost $3.00 for a

bottle of water. We had been to Dollywood a few weeks ago and they were

giving free water at any of the shops if you asked. Holiday World gives free

soft drinks.

I don't mind paying for a drink but $3.00 for water is ridiculous. Parking

was $15.00,that is just crazy. They had a new haunted house attraction but

it cost an additional $6.00. My wife and a friend went in and said it was a

total waste.




You can get free water if you ask for it. Also, Fearman's Manor has been there for about 3-4 years.


Just remember folks, when you go to a Six Flags park, you need to lower your standards (which I think is ridiculous, but what can you do?).

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^ Yeah, but we are talking about Six Flags here. I'm not exactly sure where that free water is coming from. It could be the garden hose out back, or overflow water from the river rapids ride for all we know.


Seriously though, are you saying the restaurants give out free water in small cups? Is that what you were referring to?

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^ On one hot day at SFA, they ran out of the clear plastic cups for the free water, and they wouldn't give out any more, as they didn't have the right kind of cups Also, it's perfectly understandable that one would want a cup of ice water over using a drinking fountain any day. I know I always prefer the ice water.

-James Dillaman

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Of course one could always just go to any of the fifty WATER FOUNTAINS witihin the park for water... but that's just ridiculous.


Have you tried the Water from the drinking fountains? Taste like *%&%!! The Water here at SF St. Louis taste like it came from the Chlorine reserve tank for the Water Rides!! Definately not the same Water that is in the County! You have to let it run for a while to get that nasty taste or even a bit of Cold if at all! What happened to water standards! Just Rediculous! They charge an arm and a leg and make BOO COO bucks from Sales of Drinks and Charge for Refills! They can turn the fountains on all day and waste water, but cant offer free refills and Bottled Water for 50.cents! Heck, we have a festival here and we charge 50 cents a bottle and make a killing! A case cost 6 bucks and make an average of .21 cents a bottle. We buy ice from the profit and as needed! Other vendors hate us, but I would rather sell a product than have to load it back up and take it home! Can always by more if run out or low!


But this has been going on way before Shapiro stepped in, he can make the change but $$$$$$ signs is his goal!


I wish I could run the park for 2 weeks! Be able to make changes at will and for a profit! If more money comes in, Employees could get raises! If not priced to sell, then it just sits on the shelf for inventory! Not a good sign! If employees made more they would be expected to do a Great Job! Instead of talking and finding where the party is after close!

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"Six Flags customer service" is an oxymoron. It should be "Six Flags customer dis-service!" When I go into a Six Flags park, I do lower my standards. I expect the employees' faces to look like they smelled a nasty fart! I think Six Flags Astroworld started to turn things around. The employees were pretty friendly and actually smiled!


One reason why I enjoy going to Dollywood, Silver Dollar City, Universal Orlando, and Disney is not that they have a million foot high coaster or they have a gillion rides, but because the employees are friendly and want you to be there.

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OK, so the water from the park fountains doesnt taste like sugar... but it will quench your thrist people. It's not like people are dropping dead for dysentery from drinking the water or else we would have heard about it by now.


And I'm all for charging $3 for a bottle of water. If people are stubborn enough to not drink from a park water fountain cause it "tastes bad" or it's not ice cold, then so be it. Pay $3 for what you can get for free. I go on marathon runs all the time and even on my most dehydrated day have I ever cared that I was drinking out of a stagnant tasting and relatively warm public park water fountain. Water is water. Except in Mexico.

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If you just ask, you can get free water at Six Flags parks.


Of course one could always just go any of fifty WATER FOUNTAINS witihin the park for water... but that's just ridiculous.


Yeah you can get free water and free mono at teh water fountains and somtimes free abc gum!

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Six Flags and Customer service: Two roads that will never intersect.


When GL was SFWOA half the fountains did not work and the ones that did were gross.

We'd walk up to a food booth and ask for water. They'd either say: you'll have to use a fountain or, (my personal favorite)

You'll have to wait at the end of the line. Now I was standing in line before i asked for water, but they would say: well, then you'll just have to wait til there's no one in line.

Usually, yelling for a MGR helped.

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