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Ryan King

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Everything posted by Ryan King

  1. I think hes comparing the Prices and not the food. Hes pretty much right. The prices can be totally outrageous. And you get a MUCH better deal by leaving the park for a 30 minute pitstop. -Ryan
  2. I wouldve NEVER guess you would pick El-Toro! For me, it would have to be maybe Megafobia...
  3. I think I would KNOW what the box is! I had misspelled Vekoma on one side of the box...and in my pictures..I showed the misspelled side. -Ryan
  4. The fact that they had to WAIT to send out a trains worth of people is ridiculous. I remember when I was last there over Christmas, we went up to the station to find people cheering. They wont let the train out unless you have 14 people on it. The ride was a waste, at one time, it was good. As someone said (Sorry, don't remember who it was) It was a money pit for SFMM. To re-track and do all these other things to it is a total waste. SFMM is making their park more family friendly..and I'm really happy to see the change. So i'm going to roll with it. -Ryan
  5. Dad has been on my @$$ about cleaning the side part of our house...So, I figured Id share it with you folks. Enjoy! -Ryan Well...Thats It! Hope you enjoyed my PTR! Comments, Questions, and Racial Slurs are always appreciated! -Ryan My Pool. Now go Away Theres that DAMN dog! Hes next for the cage...but he wont be going to Animal Shelter or any Fields. A Trap. Ive got many an animal with this cage. All have which been released out in the fields of Fresno. Except the stray cats, who go to the Animal Shelter. A christmas tree stand? I have NO IDEA why I saved this!! His name is George. He hates living in Fresno. If you would like to adopt him, please, let me know. A Pound It Picture. Rest in Peace Vekoma Death Box. Dad also wants me to cut that down. Jesus. Cant he find "someone else" to do something like this? I have NO idea what this is! Or...why I saved it for that matter. Awww...Poor Death Box Its the Vekoma Death Box! It had seen better days... Hey...whats this? Vevokma? I spelt it wrong? wtf...? Pretty much the WORST houses ever made in Fresno. So in Rebellion, I stole his sign. One day I plan to give it back to him. Thankfully, my house wasnt built by him! See. This is my "invention". I made this to where I could shoot my BB Gun / Airsoft gun into it. The board is down at angle, so when I shoot into it..the BB's fall into a bag. No mess! The pile. 3 garbage bags full of plastic bottles? One of my stupid inventions..and other useless crap. I "found" that sign. I dont wanna talk about it The little corner of my garbage that has piled up over the past year or so. They says Fresno on thems. OMGZ!!! GARBAGE CANZ!1!!111 The path to certain death. You must answer three questions. My Background. I even have fake Canada Geese back there! Hi Bill! Over there are bails of hay...that's what I shoot into. One day a "stray" Arrow will go over and "accidently" hit the dog that wont shut up. As you walk outside..you find a lawn chair equipped with my Red Rider BB Gun and My Bow + Arrows Ugh. Gotta take out the garbage...*sigh*
  6. Pretty much everything. Park Maps, Used Kidtums Diapers...all sorts of cool stuff! -Ryan
  7. Article - http://www.cnn.com/2007/TECH/space/03/02/lunar.eclipse.ap/index.html Also, when you go to the page on the left hand side..you can see a video on it. Im going to attempt to see it tonight...hopefully we can get it here. -Ryan
  8. Roller Coaster Tycoon Pinball = Awesome Nice Little TR...although some of your pictures seemed a little crunched..I would assume its from the resize... -Ryan Playing it in Jolly Old England
  9. Wow! This was really cool! You showed more of the "Little things" in Vegas. Besides just the coasters. And I totally LOVE Penn & Teller, espceially thier show "Bullshit". Anywho, thanks for the awesome little PTR! -Ryan
  10. Hard to judge a park without really going in it. I can see this park doing alright, with a hotel next door. Like he said, wait for some trees to grow, along with other shrubbery and such. Dont call it ghetto quite yet, it hasnt even opend yet! -Ryan
  11. "Stupid Idea, Needs to Be Rethought" - George Carlin
  12. I love how your coat just says "Guy" Poor Guy...youll get it soon! -Ryan
  13. Just do em for fun! The Shannon video was a video for my friend Aaron, he wanted to ask a girl (Shannon!) out to Prom. SO...we did it in the form of a video! -Ryan
  14. You can now download my stupid video on Google Video! Here's the link-: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3437945975708640336&hl=en On the right it gives you the option to download it for Computer / iPod. Pretty Convenient. SO...Thats about it! Thanks again for all the awesome comments! -Ryan
  15. ^Meh. I guess I can agree with you. Although I REALLY enjoy most indoor coasters. They are all normally unique in some way, and its interesting to see how some places theme them...or..lack there of (X:/NO WAY OUT!) But Space Invaders 2 was really neat! I enjoyed it a lot. But Like i said, they are all different in some way! Anywho, just my opinion... -Ryan
  16. No not at all! I like them as well! Do you "Pound it" On a daily basis?
  17. Good buddy of mine is in Shoshu with Moores Karate. Hes right below black belt right now..hes pretty amazing to watch. Its pretty much the art of breaking bone... -Ryan
  18. Pictures! Found em on Google! -Ryan Would you like some Mc-Rat with that order? Rat1.bmp Quick! To the McDonalds! Aww..Dont you just want one of those with your Crunch-warp Supreme?
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