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Everything posted by jamesdillaman

  1. how about early closing? Many times I've been to PKI early in the season and there's scattered thunderstorms. The sign when I bought my ticket clearly states "The Park will Close at 9:00 tonight" or something similar. Then after the rain has already CLEARED UP(!!!!) the loudspeaker says due to inclimate weather the park will be closing at 6 today. LAME! -James Dillaman
  2. BURN!!! And on top of that, ride Magnum. Even more airtime, never a long wait and higher than Blue Streak! um... yeah, hence my avatar <----- Magnum is amazing, but not terribly close to millenium's line entrance. I was thinking more in terms of that. About the ejector seat, Insane!!! Definitely a seat 1.3 ride, although I like every seat on the best (non-looping) coaster. -James "just my opinion" Dillaman
  3. Wow, weird timing. My thoughts are with his family. -James Dillaman
  4. I'm guessing the half-price admission to all the Paramount parks will go away once Cedar Fair takes over officially next season? Just wondering. -James Dillaman
  5. ^ I know, Robb, I think your site is awsome as is, but the only reason I pay the outrageous fees for ace is the half-price admission to Paramount and the Indiana parks, although I'm assuming half-price admission at the paramount parks is going away with the paramount part of it, huh? Never thought about that, think I'll go post in the other thread and leave Holiwood nights alone as I'm WAY off topic -James Dillaman
  6. The only fear I have on Mountain Slidewinder is the fear that my clothes will NEVER dry after riding... -James "Too much water for me" Dillaman
  7. I would love to go, but think I'll have to pass. My question is why hasn't Robb gotten with Paula about getting TPR on the list of clubs with half-price admission. Cards could be included with a DVD/shirt purchase. They could have your name, screen name, and date joined. I think it would be a good idea. I'm seriously considering ditching ACE this year (loyal member for 8 years) because of the rate increase. Maybe I'll join the GOCC, though. Who knows? On topic, though, at SRM 2003 the best part of the event was the morning waterpark ERT. The waterpark really fills up once it opens, and the lines for the coasters think out once everyone goes to the waterpark. -James Dillaman
  8. 7) Son of Beast will be gone in about 5 years. Promise?? but seriously, pinky swear! -James
  9. I concur completely. I'm ready to see how cedar fair will run this park, a love of mine for years, home of my first coaster (the Beast), and a park I enjoyed working at for a season and a half (at the end of this the direction the park was going was sad). I will pay for a pass next year with pleasure, and be able to go back to my "home" park of Kings Island, and who knows, maybe say with pride that it is my home park once again. -James
  10. Bunny Hills!!! Esp. on Magnum!! Airtime you can actually feel (in your bruised thighs!!) Yes. -James
  11. Did you know that if you mix coke and pepsi it makes a miracle drink that keeps you young forever? It's true, Dick Clark drinks nothing else. -James
  12. OMG any skycoaster. hope the 18 year old stoner who checked my carabiner was paying close attentiont during training! -James Dillaman
  13. Well I bid adieu to this topic. I can no longer speculate with everybody as it drives me to the utter brink of insanity. I will take whatever news with a grain of salt, and unless it comes from cedar fair itself, any mention of park additions or changes next season. I encourage everyone else to do the same, and don't get excited or discouraged by this news yet, as the deal is only in its infancy. Until more details become clear, have fun discussing the hyper at bonfonte gardens and the sale of great america to build a shopping mall (to pay off cedar fair's debt of course) -James "just kidding, so don't hate" Dillaman
  14. Go ride blue streak instead, more airtime and never a long wait. You'll love it.
  15. Wow, a lot of people are saying the same things on here... I think it's too early to tell anything. Cedar Fair made a business decision, a rather large one, that was approved by Cedar Fair's investors, bank, finance officers, and the major stockholders. All groups seemed to think this was a good decision, and I back them. For the first time in years I will ponder going to Kings Island, because even if the pass costs more, I will still buy a pass if it gets me in to cedar point as well, where as Kings Island by itself is worth visiting once or twice a year at best. People tout it's wooden coasters, but I'd much rather ride the Indiana woodies a few hours away anyday! I am a fan of Cedar Point, and the only reason Michigan Adventure DOESN'T have a hyper is the height restriction and problems with the city. I first saw a news article saying cedar fair was trying to build a coaster over 200 feet at Michigan Adventure like the year after they bought it. They were shot down by the city, so don't think that cedar fair didn't try. The newest addition to that park, the Grand Rapids, is a great ride for that market and something the park was in need of. I don't think any changes will be seen at any parks for a while, but I can't imagine cedar fair will PAY for the paramount license, as it isn't that big a draw anyways. I run into teens at KI who don't even know that Face/Off was a movie, and have never seen Top Gun. The best is the ones who think Tomb Raider is themed to a video game. yeah... As far as I'm concerned the parks are moving from one corporation to another, but at least cedar fair is in the theme park business, so the parks are there number 1 priority. CBS had a lot more on their plate, much more important things than the theme parks. I think this is good, and poo to all who don't James "Lots of people I know are either excited or indifferent" Dillaman
  16. Another thing that would be nice is workers from all over with places to live at the parks. Cedar Point does this, and even during the school year, all the coasters seem to be running. PKI becomes a limited operation park during school seasons, as all the workers are teens from Cincinnati. I should know, I used to be one of them... Anyway, only time will tell, as Elissa said. A lot of my opinion will hedge on what CF decides to do in light of season passes. I wonder how much was paid for the paramount chain... You'd think CF would have to take out a huge loan to make this sort of aquisition, so I don't think any large improvements will be soon in coming to any of the parks, maybe even the CF parks. A couple more years of "New for 2008: Paint on the Racer!" will undoubtably follow. Also I hope one pass will get me in to all 3 parks in Ohio, but until details are released, I'm not sure. -James
  17. That's something else I'm excited about, PKI has TONS of land available for possible expansion, and the Kings Island Inn is in dire need of an update... Breakers Express is nicer, IMO. Interesting that Star Trek is included, I guess the rights to that pretty much have to be included, as without it.... um yeah not much there, is there? -James
  18. It's nice to hear that the other parks in the chain aren't as bad as PKI has been lately, Robb. I said i didn't know how the others were as I've only been to PKI and PKD, but I really enjoyed PKD last month. I also enjoy cedar point and always have a great time at GL and Michigan's Adventure. I've driven past dorney, but alas my parents were more concerned about a silly wedding to stop... j/k, well halfway kidding. As for what I'd like them to do, I'd like them to move Magnum to KI to make way for the 1000 foot impulse coaster with 3 spikes... -James
  19. um.... need I remind you just how many trees and not to mention a lake were removed to make way for PKI's newest coaster, IJ, which is themed to a CONCRETE parking garage. yeah.... It isn't only Cedar Fair. Also, didn't paramount remove trees from around grizzly at PKD for a stupid little oval-shaped go-cart track? Jjust wondering what PGA and PCar look like, but yeah... -James
  20. Not letting you wait for a front seat ride on italian job when there is a 1 train wait and plenty of people to fill the other seats seems like a hassle to me, also I foresee CF maybe offering two levels of passes, now. One pass that would only get you into one park, say CP, GL, or KI, that would cost around $100, and maybe one that costs a bit more, sort of a park hopper deal. At least here in the midwest it would make sense, with so many CF parks close together (MA, CP, GL, and KI). Not sure if this would work chain wide, though.. One thing's for sure, as a Cedar Point pass holder for 3 years running, and not a Paramount pass holder for 3 years running, I might actually be able to go to king's island again like I used to, as I'd be willing to pay for a pass if it included Cedar Point. -James "Can't wait for details to be released" Dillaman
  21. My vote goes to Volcano, especially the second launch, I wasn't expecting it. -James
  22. Well, All I can hope for is a super pass for every park in ohio now... That would be well worth more money than the current season passes at cedar point and kings island. Also I heard that the licensing was part of the deal with the sale. Think about it, why would they spend so much money retheming Nick Universe if they knew after selling it would all have to be redone, doesn't make sense from a sellers standpoint. -James "Good bye Paramount, and good riddence!" Dillaman
  23. Wow, I'm just glad they're building another coaster! Forget who is building it, last i checked I was a coaster enthusiast, not a B&M enthusiast, but anyway, I love intamin, smoothest coasters ever. Yay Intamin! -James
  24. Here's some my gf and I took at Timbers Fest 2004: Some angles I hadn't seen in the other pics. My favorite picture I've ever taken of a coaster. I think it's beautiful their (then new) waterslide... never seen at any other park!! and yet again and again The Wolverine Wildcat the obligatory shivering timbers shot, although the rest of mine were at night and didn't really turn out the arrow mouse coaster the entire layout corkscrew
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