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Everything posted by dakanektr

  1. The only fault is that the waterfalls come from nothing..other than that it looks great.
  2. In the back=more airtime, more pulling/pumping, overall more thrilling ride. I love Intamin rockets in the front though, just for the launch.
  3. I really haven't worked on it lately, so here it is for you guys to rate, since I really won't work on this any more. However, here it is, so you guys can ride, rate, and enjoy. Crynon.nltrack
  4. Now it looks just forced. Try to go more natural, think of actual terrain. It could really be great if you did.
  5. I don't find the Zipper scary at all. Any SS or Intamin drop tower or rocket(or any other launch) coasters. I almost crapped myself while waiting in line for Storm Runner.
  6. NoLimits 2 is coming out soon(or something like it) so I think that you should wait until theres some word on that before you buy anything.
  7. I heard that they are putting in a 40-seater Screamin' Swing.
  8. I love how magical fruitflys create the water that appears to come out of absolutely nowhere into a Niagra.
  9. Did you steal "Fright Zone", from Dorney Park? I was just there last night and they have a quarter-mile stretch of people in masks with noisemakers(gongs, whistles, ect..) on the way to Steel Force and it just seems similar, since it is also only voluntary.
  10. I did that, and it worked. Trouble is its flyng over the Tophat now. I guess I'll just have to keep adjusting till its perfect.
  11. Download>Extract All>and then copy the contents of the folder to your desktop. Then you can use it whenever. Awesome coaster. Its so purddy.
  12. Sure, but I think it's far from done. I'm waiting to see if my computer class goes into 3Ds, and if it does, I will make a station. I am also having trouble with the realistic hydraulic launch. It stops for 15 seconds, then accelorates to 119..its just very slow acceloration. I want it to be more snappy. ^^Thanks Rollerdude...I thought so myself .
  13. I have an update- I've done some terrain work, there is a lake around the giant curve now. I have the sunset background set, since I think it accents the coaster well.
  14. Yea, I think I'm going to stick with Crynon. Thanks for the brainstorming efforts, but they didn't generate any that I really liked. Thanks anyway. I haven't really done completely custom supports so far, but I tried on the loop and it looks rather.....clunky? I'll post pics later.
  15. Obsessive, and I'm pretty sure that Hold On is a song.
  16. Good point. I do want an original name though, not a used one. I was thinking "Crynon" or something like that. Here's the final overbank. The drop from the tophat. Notice my custom trains. Here you can vaguely see the rest of the ride. Heres the tophat, you can see the supports.
  17. This is the first project of mine that I really am spending alot of time on and am willing to show you guys. For now all you can see is the launch track, and the start of a 437ft. tall straight up-turn right down tophat. Mostly custom supports are done, and the rest of the layout is actually done. I'm just holding it back until certain areas have supports. Yes, this thing needs a name. Any suggestions for a name? My New Rocket!
  18. Yesterday I was caught up in homework, so I didn't get to work on the volcano, but I do have screens of the new section. Tachanunga's Revenge, and Impulse that shoots out from under the Tiki Restuarant! SunGod, the woodie. I will work on this later tonight and release pics tommorow.
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