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Everything posted by pizza>poop

  1. The dude's 25 and goes on dates with his exgirlfriend to the queen mary. Do we really need any more information?
  2. Wait... so it's $24 for a twilight ticket and a full day is $34 when you buy it from mejier? That Kalahari is too expensive and I'm not looking to take my shirt off and get wet with little kids on this trip. What time can I get in with the twilight tickets anyway? PS: How long are the waits going to be for TTD, Mav, and MF on a Wed night/Thursday?
  3. $65 for a twilight and a full day? Aren't full days like $60 alone? We were also considering staying on the resort for the night.... Would you guys recommend doing that vs. staying off site and saving $$$? I'm thinking that staying on the property will save us money in parking as well for those two days.
  4. I'm going to out to Ohio to visit my family late July and the first few days in August, and was wondering what day Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, would have the fewest people ther?. What kind of wait times should I anticipate if I go on the least crowded day? Also, I was thinking of going the night before and doing the after 4 PM deal, and then doing the next full day as planned similar to what you did.... is it a better deal to just buy a season pass or pay for two days? I'm also from Orange County, so I'm thinking of getting a MAXX PASS in order to do both days, and then also be able to visit Knotts. Does anyone know if MAXX PASSES are for a full year (like a Disneyland Pass) or is it just for 2007? Anyway, any help would be appreciated.
  5. It's pretty simple. Get married, and you won't have to live in the commons.
  6. Great TR. Had a random question while we're on the topic of CP. I'm going to out there visiting family late the first few days in August, and was wondering what day Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, would have fewer people there. What kind of wait times should I anticipate if I go on the least crowded day? Also, I was thinking of going the night before and doing the after 4 PM deal, and then doing the next full day as planned similar to what you did.... is it a better deal to just buy a season pass or pay for two days? I'm also from Orange County, so I'm thinking of getting a MAXX PASS in order to do both days, and then also be able to visit Knotts. Does anyone know if MAXX PASSES are for a full year (like a Disneyland Pass) or is it just for 2007? Anyway, any help would be appreciated.
  7. "Dirtiest Park in America, Hands Down!" You just pissed all of Canada off with that.
  8. 1. I'll elaborate on that. That's silly and impracticable, if not altogether impossible. Jim Hill talked about 'Fire Mountain' at MK having those capabilities... but in reverse order... and equally retarded. Read below. 2. Jim Hill is boss. Read further. http://jimhillmedia.com/blogs/jim_hill/archive/2000/12/31/310.aspx http://jimhillmedia.com/blogs/jim_hill/archive/2000/12/31/311.aspx 3. If it weren't for park hopper passes, no one would visit AK. It's still on phase 1 (perhaps 1.1 with the addition of Exped Everest). 4. I need to reiterate how cool Jim Hill is, and how he loves to take a dump on Eisner. 5. I think its pretty clear with the popularity (or lack of) of Lost Continent with the average guest that this will never built.
  9. You're reaching for the sake of being interesting. 2000 is the correct answer.
  10. It has everything to do with safety and nothing to do with age. If you're a few inches short then man up and stuff toilet paper in the heels of your high tops before getting in line.
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