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Everything posted by gmoney422

  1. I don't know what's scarier...Holy Land USA or that creepy park in Egypt, Fantazy Land !!! G "I guess Holy Land closed during their Fright Fest" Money
  2. Wow! That video's great! But I guess they don't have those guys wandering around the park...only in the show. That might be kinda tough, but maybe in our lifetime they'll have real time autoerotica Mickey that can talk back to you... G "I meant anamatronic" Money
  3. Nice pics! Hey, did you see any of the new characters with the animitronic eyes and stuff? Just curious... G "those things are suppose to be creepy" Money
  4. Great job to both of you! One tip from a parent ot parents: all that stuff that's under the basinette thing they wheel her around in...take it all with you when you leave the hospital! Don't know if someone's already told you, but it's yours to take! Empty the drawers each day, then empty them again. G "frugal tip boy" Money
  5. Thanks for the great PTR! Really brought me back to last year when I was there! Swish! G "nothin' but net" Money
  6. Thank you both and your welcome! See ya in a few months. G "..." Money
  7. I think it's going to be great!!! I love HP, and would love to walk around in a HP-themed area! And Lost Continent is perfect! G "Goodbye Mythos, hello Great Hall" Money
  8. What I'm trying to figure out is was this thing a PIRATE or a PRINCESS??? Hmmm, beats me...! G "Aaargh" Money
  9. What's the closest airport to you guys? Just curious to see if I could make it for $hits and giggles! G "a TPR party virgin" Money
  10. So great pics, Gregg! Question: Where did you get the "1st Visit" pins the kids had on? From the park? Hotel? Just wondering for future reference when we take the twins in about 6-7 years...SEE BELOW. We're definitely waiting til they're at least 6 to go to WDW.
  11. Has anyone mentioned The Carousel of Progress? I thought that shiat sucked! I kept thinking, "will this ride ever end...???!!!" Man, I was still singing that "It's a great big beautiful tomorrow..." song when we got home! Argh, now it's in my head again...ARGH! G$
  12. Wow, is your camera a LEICA? G "Scotty doesn't know..." Money
  13. That report was exhausting *gasps for breath*...but very good! I loved the Little Jerry reference...CLASSIC!!! And your pic at Jurrasic Park in front of the T-Rex was hilarious, I was cracking up and showing everyone at work! Beemer, you're not going on the Midwest trip, are you? G "Little Jerry has to go down in the 3rd round" Money
  14. Actually yes Per. plates are very cheap compared to other states only $10 a year and that has been my plate since 1996. I think alot of states are around $80-$100 Yes they are VERY common in VA, I would say about 50% at least have personalized plates. You should see how many plate designs we have. Just about every Hobby, sports team, College or Va symbol you can imagine (except coasters =( ) can be on your plate for $25 a year. JEFF WOW nice! I didn't think it was just me...
  15. Nice P:TR! No disrespect, but does EVERYONE in VA have personalized license plates! I've been to different parts of VA a number of times, and it seems like every car has personalized plates. Are they issued to you along with your Super Wal-Mart membership card? G "my pers. plates would say WLHUNG" Money (big William Hung fan)
  16. Stay safe out there, Brotha! And thank you! G "I could never do what you do" Money
  17. Good job, guys! And way to keep it clean-ish this time... G "where were girls like this when I was 14" Money
  18. ^Another April Fool's Baby...God help us!!! G "my wife's an Aries, too!" Money
  19. Well, has anyone thought of Alvin? Alvin Alvey has to be in the mix! Or how 'bout a living tribute to a great ride (I've yet to ride)...Goliath Alvey! Good for a boy or a girl... G "name your baby Gmoney" Money
  20. Got mine yesterday!!! Soooo warm and cozzy! Thanks R&E G "I've been Hoodied up" Money
  21. A CASE OF NERD ROPE!!! Wow, where did you guys get that? G "Nerd rope junkie" Money
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