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Everything posted by Meteornotes

  1. It was 70 the other day. I'm all for this to continue throughout winter! dt
  2. Very interesting layout so far. Not sure I'd want to ride it in a spinning car, but it would certainly be an interesting experience. dt
  3. Having been a writer for various publications, I can tell you that a "media day" for anything is work for those people. Sure, it's not as hard as, say, putting a roof on a house in the summer, but it's still work, it's still what you are being paid to do, and so you have to take it seriously and understand you're not there for fun. Having done media coverage and being invited to just show up and ride a coaster for film crews to shoot footage, I can tell you that the second option is a lot easier and a lot less stressful. dt
  4. Supposed to be in the 60's here for a few days. It's December. This is awesome. dt
  5. Love all these tree pics! Great job of decorating, everyone. We can't have a tree because Bert would likely dismantle it in about 20 seconds, so it's not worth the effort to set it up. dt
  6. Thanks for all the photos and in depth coverage! I'm very curious to see what RMC does with that new track... dt
  7. ^I should have gone to the theater near here that serves alcohol, it would have made Spectre a lot better. Fat Tire dt
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