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Everything posted by ratdogg68

  1. You should be able to do it all multiple times. Even enough time to hit Wildebeest and Mammoth. Sundays are very managable at Holiday World.
  2. ^ Don't need none, they are never open late enough to seem them, unfortunately.
  3. ^ It was awful, with the old trains. It is much more tolerable now.
  4. They told us at the Winter Walk-through that they were working on something for the old Batman Arena behind T3, they couldn't say then what it was. But I think that is where the Bird Show will be, perfect for a Bird show, being outdoors.
  5. Great report, hoping to finally make it to Animal Kingdom, next year. It's the one park I have to get to before I die.
  6. Makes no sense to me, No company is going to turn down a 15 + million dollar sale, because a park has something similar 100 miles away. They are in the Business to sell, not limit their product. Could be wrong, but I don't see it when we're talking about Millions of Dollars.
  7. Going to be a wet day, for King Louie's Winter walk through. 100% chance of rain, Severe flooding going on around Louisville now and rain in the forecast everyday through Sunday. I'm going to bare it, because this will be my first event.
  8. Ed has backed off now, he will pay overtime, was on the news this morning.
  9. Black won't show the dirt and sweat they collect so easy. For a presentation, it will look cleaner.
  10. Interesting, Holiday World is stepping up their entertainment. Sounds like they"re starting their own end of night spectacular. Looking forward to see what all they will offer.
  11. Wonder how many people showed up yesterday. High of 12 degrees and no rides open.
  12. No surprise on Winterfest at CP, it wouldn't work. Minus the Very Cold temps, off the lake, not much could be open. They would have a very hard time staffing, most of their employes's are out of towners. Just don't seeing it being a money maker for them, not many locals would be interested. They have too many rides to check over winter to keep them open til 4 months before their season begins.
  13. I'm wondering if they are going to take out that whole ride complex and put the cabanas there. I could see that, Cabana's around the lazy River.
  14. Scream Extreme, is a new generation Enterprise, to replace the old one. Curious to see what the other ride is. They said the older watersildes in Hurricane Bay were going away, but they didn't say anything about them. Maybe a New Watercoaster, huh?
  15. Finished my Coaster season, with a ride on Thunderbird, yesterday at Holiday World.
  16. Look for something new, to take the place of The Enterprise, next year. Was told to get our last rides in yesterday, because it's replacement is already on it's way. 2019 will be the next big attraction, around 220 feet.
  17. Great report, that Tea Cup ride is a old ride from the 70's, called the Tip Top. There are a few that travel with Carnivals, but they are rare in a Amusement Park.
  18. Congratulations, always my go to for Amusement Park videos.
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