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Everything posted by Sluggo77

  1. Jersey Devil trains are looking awesome park posted an update on Twitter. https://twitter.com/sfgradventure/status/1227711977780391943?s=21
  2. I took it as the haters wanted to force the studies but the board rejected the need for it and just approved. It also amazes me that people who moved in after the park existed feel they have a right to complain at all.
  3. Great Escape got the approval needed to put Adirondack Outlaw in Ghost Town in a slightly different spot. https://poststar.com/news/local/queensbury-planning-board-approves-new-great-escape-ride/article_3f52fb84-ed61-50c3-b16c-ed04900a0830.html
  4. I got to get down there this winter. Thanks for sharing the report.
  5. Park posted that the first batch of supports for JDC showed up today. Can’t wait to ride this! https://www.facebook.com/69421318512/posts/10156819578488513/
  6. Thunderbolt wasn’t running today from what I noticed. Loved that Pandy was though. Really enjoyed my visit today to end my season. Apologize for my double comment above to. Really hope that us Northeast theme park fans find fun in our dead time.
  7. Most likely getting my last park visit this season on Friday. Can’t thank SF’s enough for adding HITP!
  8. So TGE is now proposing a new Ghost Town location for Adirondack Outlaw which they are saying will meet the requirements. Will be interesting to see the full plans and if approval is given. https://poststar.com/news/local/tall-great-escape-ride-to-be-placed-next-to-condor/article_081a337a-906c-5639-8fb9-274537ccf802.html
  9. Riddler Revenge Nov. 29th at SFNE. Older pic from the Harley Quinn media day with Riddler and Superman in the background
  10. Yea it was colder than that when I was there and it was running. They installed heaters on it like some of the other coasters. Does yours have them? If not that could be the difference.
  11. They had that area closed off for the horse rides. Would be an awesome addition if they do open Pandy.
  12. I thought that there was no show as well. Went to opening night tonight and didn’t look at first ended up seeing that there is one. I didn’t get to see it unfortunately but instead of the variety type show I heard this one is more singing / dancing based and called Holiday Wishes.
  13. Awesome report! I can’t agree with you enough on what the new trains and restraints have done to make SFNE’s SLC a fun ride.
  14. It’s standard SF’s timing due to Memorial Day goals. IMO they are right on track for the SF’s business model.
  15. Park posted that construction has started for Jersey Devil! Jersey Devil
  16. For opening weekend of HITP SFNE is going to have horse draw carriage rides. That’s a new one for this year. SFNE HITP Opening Weekend Carriage Rides
  17. Never been to a LegoLand. Looking forward to checking it out.
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