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Everything posted by Sluggo77

  1. Wow just wow. Definition of self entitlement. Thanks for all that you do with events like this Robb! Also to the parks that hold them!
  2. Hadn’t been to Great Escape in a couple seasons so I decided to go opening day. I figured that the park would be pretty empty since it was raining all morning. Got there around 1 and the rain stopped not long after. Everything was a walk on for the remainder of the day. Park was looking pretty good overall. Still to this day it’s a charming park in a nice setting. No doubt coaster wise Comet is the star of the show and it didn’t disappoint. Certainly not the biggest or fastest coaster but it was running excellent. After the last turn around a whole section was retracked and butter smooth. Overall the entire coarse was in great shape. Even though the park doesn’t really focus on coasters it’s just awesome to see that they continue to invest in Comet. The new for 2018 Pandemonium has been installed and the signs say it will open May 25th. He’s some shots from around the park. Never did the sun really come out so apologies for that in advance. My first looping coaster Steamin’ Demon. Pandemonium Coming Soon! Little Park History. Storytown Train Canyon Blaster Welcome to Great Escape! Frankie’s Mine Train from the Storytown Train. Site work still needs to be done but the ride is in place. Star of the Park. Comet! Heading back towards the front of the park. The classic Swan Boats and Greezed Lightnin’. Swan Boats Dock & Sasquatch. Just across the street from the park is the Six Flags Great Escape Lodge. Thanks for checking out this report.
  3. SFNE Online posted this video of Harley Quinn. Can’t wait to ride it next weekend. This thing looks nuts! [fbvideonew] [/fbvideonew]
  4. Hi Larry, Here’s the sign and some pics for Dutch Wonderland’s Merlin’s Mayhem. The trip report can be seen here if you would like more! http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1857261#p1857261
  5. No rides have single rider lines. Reese's Extreme Cup Challenge did have one but they changed it to a Faat Track line this season. Ok thanks. Appreciate the reply.
  6. First time here in a long time and I forgot to look. Does anyone know if there are any single rider lines and if so which rides? Thanks in advance.
  7. Dutch Wonderland unveiled their new Merlin’s Mayhem suspended coaster and invited TPR to check it out at media day. For those that don’t know Dutch Wonderland they’re known as being "A Kingdom for Kids!" The park has been in operation since 1963 and is located in Lancaster, PA. Merlin’s Mayhem is the newest and largest roller coaster / ride at Dutch Wonderland topping off at 60 ft. It’s located pretty much in the center of the park as you enter, looks great and dominates the area. Being a park geared towards families and especially kids this coaster comes with the storyline of Merlin the Magician and his best friend Mayhem who happens to be a bright green dragon. Long story short, guests are given a chance to soar through the sky with Merlin to find his beloved mischievous friend. The story starts throughout the queue, continues with onboard audio and finishes with 3 endings that all leave Merlin needing your help to find Mayhem yet again. As for the coaster it really is a good family sized ride. The layout was fun and it fits the park well. They did a good job with the details and in talking with them it’s obvious that they are very proud of how it turned out. It’s awesome to see a park of this size putting in such a large investment. The demographic that Dutch Wonderland caters to should totally love it for years to come. Just wanted to give a huge thanks to the park’s Marketing Manager, Hannah Shepard, and the entire Dutch Wonderland team for their hospitality during the event and to Robb for having us cover it! Here’s the on-ride video. [youtu_be] [/youtu_be] Here’s several pics from media day. Welcome to Dutch Wonderland! Something new is lurking above the castle. We're here to check it out. It's Merlin's Mayhem the park's new coaster. All set up for the media. Didn't get a great pic of it but as soon as you enter the queue you start to get the storyline from a monitor that's on the left wall with Merlin talking to you. Geared for kids but I still fit. Thanks to these solid instructions All through the queue the story continues with the well done theming. Timeline of Mayhem from hatchling to trouble making dragon. In the station instead of normal gates they have numbered doors which fully open once riders are able to board the train. The Enchanted Flying Machine! Flying Machine Controls. Here's a mix of the coaster layout with and without the train. Pretty cool feature is that the Magic Flying Machine train dives under the park's other train. From that smiling face she liked it as I'm sure many will. As mentioned when exiting the train one of three endings to the story will play here. From there you exit into Merlin's Marketplace. Where the kid's can get all sorts of fun stuff. Along with your on-ride photo. Hi Hannah! Thanks again to Dutch Wonderland and to everyone for checking out this report.
  8. It is insanely close. It’s going to add another element to an already impressive ride.
  9. It’s my home park but in reality I’m 2+ hours away. I’m really surprised overall at the EOD.
  10. Finally got to the park for my first visit this year. Absolutely perfect weather all day. I was also able to get my new DE membership card, cup and bugs bucks. Shoutout to the guest relations team. They were super friendly and helped work through a couple kinks with my dining plan not being transferred to the new membership. Honestly everyone was helpful and pleasant that I interacted with today. Harley Quinn and Riddler look great and HC makes the area seem more open compared to when TeaCups was there IMO. TeaCups also look good in the new location and appears to have gotten a new roof. Superman is now running two trains as well. Here’s a couple of pics from the day. From Joker’s Queue Gotham City Entrance Such a fun ride now. TeaCups new location. Looking forward to this opening.
  11. Great advice. Not sure why I didn’t think of it that way but regardless thank you!
  12. That kind of stinks. Would rather just pick during the day but it’s still a good perk regardless.
  13. Does anyone know if you also have to declare the rides for the diamond elite passes when you pick them up each visit? Once you have them do you just enter the rides through the flash pass entrance any time during the day?
  14. Definitely give it a shot. The new trains dramatically improved the ride. Still tosses you around good but no head banging at all!
  15. It’s Official! Today SFNE announced the newly themed GOTHAM CITY Area highlighting the 2018 Season Opening. As part of the south end retheme Mind Eraser will now be themed THE RIDDLER™ Revenge. Here’s the full press release. https://www.sixflags.com/newengland/newsroom/april-4-2018 Photo’s from SFNE. THE RIDDLER™ Revenge
  16. I wonder if they are going to have to put up netting or some other type of protection over Joker’s queue to avoid an potentially issues with flying objects from HQ.
  17. I agree the new colors are a great contrast to Superman now. Yea I think HQ is going to give some crazy close looks at Joker when in full swing.
  18. Things are looking good at the park. Here’s a few drone update pics thanks to SFNE Online. South End will definitely have a new look this year. Harley Quinn is installed. Tea Cups are now in their new location. New rest rooms coming along in the North End and Speed Trap has been moved to where the Loney Toons stage used to be. Mind Eraser / ?’s new look is well underway.
  19. I agree I always skipped ME and last year started ridding it again every visit. I like the layout and the new trains have stopped the pain. For the new area I’m thinking something like the Metropolis make over. Nothing over the top but at least everything would tie in.
  20. Holy cow. What an awesome trip report. Disney never stops amazing me with their attention to detail. Thanks for sharing!
  21. ^Awesome TR. I’ll be popping my cherry at CP with this trip. I really can’t wait. The closet thing that I’ve done to this is ROTB at Great Adventure and loved it. This has so much more beyond that!
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