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Everything posted by Themonerd

  1. Disney could probably have Mickey Mouse murder a guest daily and the park would still be packed. I think that's an upcharge event. $100 to view Mickey's sacrifice of the day.
  2. That ride could have resulted in much awesomeness if they'd themed it right... Picture yourself in a boat on a river.....
  3. You get final jeopardy correct because it says Dominion and you say Virginia. ''IN THE 1690s ITS LEGISLATURE REFERRED TO THIS PLACE AS "HIS MAJESTY'S ANCIENT COLONY AND DOMINION"
  4. On a pov video for Hyperspace Mountain. ''it kinda looks like space mountain but with a different name and a starwars theme''
  5. Maybe we've had this discussion before , but when Star Wars Land opens, what will happen to Star Tours?
  6. Holy Crap this got onto the front page of TPR. Thanks so much guys!
  7. Wow we've gone this long without mentioning project Gemini.
  8. Yes, locals were very much against Disney's America and felt that park would ruin the "historic" character of the Bull Run battlefield and the town of Manassas. Of course, now the area is covered with housing developments, suburban strip malls, and Cracker Barrel restaurants. Oh, well . . . Spot on, Chuck. It's really sad what the area has become. Fortunately, the Manassas National Battlefield is still pristine when you're on the property. It's a shame everything else went to hell. Getting there is a combination of driving thru a Nascar race on the highway and a ghetto filled with endless strip malls. Bull Run park is equally beautiful but much smaller, even locals don't even know about it which is sad as it's only 3 miles down the road from Manassas Battlefield. "Bull Run is the place that has all those Christmas light decorations that you see from the highway..." "Oh YEAH! Wait, that's a park too?" My family was always for Disney building there as it meant lots of money with incentives to keep things looking nice. Nature took its course, or something like that, and the reality isn't quite what locals thought it'd be. >Locals aren't happy with a theme park honoring american culture > Are fine with a strip malls Yeah.
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