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Everything posted by Three

  1. Especially if you consider the rumors they're tearing it out....
  2. This so-called announcement doesn't say anything about this being the steepest drop. So what is the "most of" this ride has? I'm not seeing it in the announcement, unless my previous guess of the most theming on a Cedar Fair ride is it. Right, I was confused by their tricky, deceiving language: Right. Like either of those coasters had a record breaking drop angle. Anyway, it looks fun. I'll hit it up someday, money willing.
  3. I would think Screaming Squirrels would have the record for steepest drop. Or do saxaphones not count for some reason? And even then, don't a few of the Eurofighters have 95 degree drops?
  4. To be perfectly clear, are the passes sold at other Cedar Fair passes valid for PCW?
  5. 1) I don't think I've ever seen vomit on a seat cushion before. The side, sure. The front or back of a car, definitely. But it would take some creative aiming to get it on the seat cushion. 2) At least 10,000 bare asses didn't sit on them.
  6. Hmm... okay. That totally didn't look like the tunnel when I first looked at it. And the trees cover it up well in the other pictures. Alright. That's a bit more excusable.
  7. Not that I've been or anything, but it would be hard for me to miss Parque Espana. Bullfight Coaster! Pyrennes! Escalator! Seriously. How could you pass that up?
  8. Uh... it's been about 9 months since I hit BGT&A last. And something is really confusing me about those pictures. What the hell happened to the tunnel on SheiKra's second drop? How come I don't see it? Am I blind? Did they remove it? Is it just not filled w/ mist anymore? What's the deal? I am uber confused.
  9. A lost of "I remember when they had that exhibit at...." Hate to be a nitpick, but sorry. There was only one original exhibit (Van Hugen's, or whatever his name was). Due to the success of that highly controversal excercise, companies all around the world have gotten in on the action. When one rolls into your town, it may sound unique and unprecedented, but there are probably about 8-10 rip offs running around at the moment. The one at MOSI at Tampa uses bodies from China which went unclaimed. Both Chinese and American policy is to donate unclaimed, unidentified bodies to science. The controversy has been, as far as I can tell, that (1) nothing in that policy suggests it is okay to display these bodies to the public, and (2) certain exhibits have crossed the line from science into art. This latter point is especially evident in the original exhibit, such as that man on the horse holding his brain in one hand and the horse's in the other.
  10. Press Release Fact Sheet Ah... a new video is up on the main page.
  11. Two immelmans though. Wish I could see a better view of the layout somewhere... video not up yet?
  12. Very similar. Still, hard to get a good idea of the complete layout until a video is shown. And yeah... no tunnels for the drops? I say SheiKra hasn't quite been dethroned.
  13. Either that or they're setting the countdown for another several hours.
  14. Cypress Gardens is apparently doing okay (amazingly) by using such a strategy. No, I totally get it. Disney is probably making a wise move on this. Universal and Busch are who I wonder about -- even now, are their parks really half the "destination" that Disney is? What gets me though is how these rapidly escalating prices are screwing over locals. Sure, we don't spend as much. But hell, in a way they're our parks. These prices will be more and more alienating to those of us living next door.
  15. Exactly. That's exactly my point. Disney prices now are insane. Justifiable perhaps for those coming from out of state to visit the happiest Floridian place on Earth (especially since these folks don't typically buy just a single day ticket anyway) -- but it's getting beyond affordable for just a day trip for locals. Sixty seven dollars (plus parking, food, etc.) is a hell of a lot to spend on a whim. And that's where Cypress Gardens ekes a living. Local cash, not tourism. I would be interested in seeing statistics on what percentage of each parks' profits come from locals vs. out-of-staters vs. foreigners. It would shed some light on how far Annheiser-Busch and Universal should keep their prices from Disney's.
  16. I totally didn't understand Cypress Gardens' success until I took a second look at the other big FL park's rates. I'm not used to buying single day admission in these parts, and $67 is way higher than I would've guessed. And now, suddenly I get why somebody might choose to go to Cypress Gardens for a year for seven bucks less than going to a single Disney park for a day. Guess I won't be hitting AK for Everest any time soon. That's not the pocket change I'm used to spending on out of state parks.
  17. Because, despite all the publicity out there when such incidents occur, the frequency is quite rare. It's not exactly a ripe market -- theme park rides are, in the vast vast majority of cases, perfectly safe. Certainly not enough out there to make a living off of. It's the same reason why police investigators don't keep serial killer specialists around. Such a job description only exists in poorly executed films.
  18. Didn't break it. I guess it didn't hit that hard. But it hurt like hell for an hour. I don't remember exactly where it was, but I think it was on the backward portion somewhere. Couldn't exactly see what was going on to brace. Twas nothing compared to the intense tailbone slamming occuring on GASM.
  19. But why is Jokers Jinx closed? It's been closed since the accident(s). Oh. Right. Nevermind then.
  20. Well Chiller and the two Mr. Freezes are all shuttles. Poltergeist is not. I'm not sure exactly what the problem was, but is it possible that it was a problem with the shuttle design that wasn't present on premier's other launched, circuit coasters? I would suggest SFFT as well, without having been to Sea World in San Antonio. The rides at the SW there don't look all *that* impressive. A batman clone and a Morgan pseudo-hyper? I mean, I've heard good things about Steel Eel, but it's not enough to pass up an awesome park like SFFT. Then again, it could also be because another Sea World park seems sorta old hat to a Florida resident.
  21. I need to STFU because I dislike a coaster you don't? I certainly hope you don't get that worked up about politics. SFFT was a really, really awesome park. The scenery is among the best I've ever seen, perhaps only rivaled by BGE's. Superman Krypton Coaster was insanely good. Almost as good as Kraken (which is high praise from me -- Kraken is one of my very favorite-est coasters). I'd never been on a boomerang before, and walked off having enjoyed myself. The mine train kicked ass, and Poltergeist was damned good (better than I remembered FoF being). But Rattler was one of the worst coasters I've ever been on. Just terrible. IMO, of course.
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