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Propeller Factory

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Everything posted by Propeller Factory

  1. See this is why I like verbolten. They always run all five and it works and it's not confusing. *shrugs*
  2. This is why I feel that cedar fair has the whole "get the park you have to look nice before building any huge new roller coasters" down better then six flags.
  3. I concur to this. I was looking at google earth and i feel like they wouldnt have to remove that much in Ireland to put the ride there. They would just need an irish theme. Corcscrew Hill!.....2 [attachment=0]image.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1]image.jpg[/attachment] I feel like it could go right where the "Williamsburg" is.
  4. I would actually like the ride way better if it was in Ireland. Then all the coasters wouldn't be so close together.
  5. It's kinda stupid that they're even selling that if they have it free...
  6. BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. when I went to six flags america I almost got dehydrated because I didn't want to spend $6 on water. I'm so jealous omg. I thought the water at Six Flags was free. Are you talking about bottled water? Yeeeeeeez and I didn't even see any water fountains. There was a lack of. I was almost tempted to drink from the sinks but I'll keep my sanity thx.
  7. BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. when I went to six flags america I almost got dehydrated because I didn't want to spend $6 on water. I'm so jealous omg.
  8. I actually really hope that's true. To me I'm like coaster yay! But I'm not as excited as I feel I should be.
  9. I haven't really ridden that many woodies but I was so surprised that wild one was so smooth it took me by a huge surprise! Even the helix wasn't rough it just produced a lot of side force because the curve wasn't banked.
  10. I think they chose the theme because if fiesta Italy is themed to a carnival then the coaster is a carnival side show so I think it fits well.
  11. Can I just say that I totally agree with the whole rebal yell exit thing?
  12. I really like the layout and I love the placement of it in the park but I hate the actual coaster
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