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Propeller Factory

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Everything posted by Propeller Factory

  1. Guys I rode gatekeeper this summer and I rode it in the back and it let me down so much, I didn't feel anything, but let me tell you, it's 100x better in the front, with the hang time over the first drop, floater on the hill, and you just get throw into elements. So it wasn't the best, but it was a pretty cool ride. This was the first wing coaster I've ridden also.
  2. I don't adore it really, to me Dominator is the best coaster at the park . Volcanos launches are really amazing though and IMO they are my favorite launches on a coaster. I think people think volcano is really good because they don't get to ride it as often because of the long lines it can get, and so they don't get bored of it as easily as they would get bored of a ride that is always a walk on. !I think dominator is the best as well
  3. Bruh where are these family B&M coasters and why have I not heard of them and why have I not ridden one yet?
  4. Every single person on this thread is completely out of their minds. It isn't even fun to read anymore.
  5. So excited I love these rides they're people eaters and they're so fun I'm so excited.
  6. I saw on their website that they have matinance days and cheetah hunts was from the 2nd-4th but yeah it's open now. The problem with Montu being on a dead end is that there's nothing else out here it's just cheetah hunt and montu. It'll help when they open Cobras curse but I think they need a flat ride of some sort there. Also the construction is literally piles of dirt feat big pit.
  7. Yeah I mean it was really confusing getting from like the entrance to cheetah hunt tower to pantops a but from there it was easy.
  8. I thought the exact same thing until I rode it this year and realized it got worse. I just want it to be slightly smoother and I'll be happy.
  9. I went to the park for the first time in half a life. It's such a beautiful park. I felt like I was a peep from Rct tho "it's too crowded here" "Kamba was great" "I've been queuing for sheikra for a long time". Also I need to say this: bg needs signage. There is such a complete lacking of signage in the entire park, and with a layout like that, you NEED signage. I couldn't find kumba at first, then I didn't know how to get back to cheetah hunt, it just confused me and I feel especially in pantopia there needs to be like a better main path. Also it started raining at around lunch and so everyone went into the dragon fire grill and let me tell you that was a hot mess there was no indicated lines and all of the separate lines are really weird it's confusing and it just needs to be redone honestly because bg knows that it rains in Florida and people go inside when it rains but they don't know what to do with the people once they're inside it was chaotic and it was a mess. I love their coaster collections though. Kumba was a huge surprise to me. It is an extremely fun coaster with great forces and lil pops of airtime here and there and it's SO SMOOTH that was wonderful. Sheikra broke down while I was in line idk y but it was running about 10 mins later. It was whatever I'm not a big fan of dive coasters and I've been on griffon so this is nothing new. Scorpion was cool. Cheetah hunt was like a chill maverick and I really liked that feel. It's in such a nice location and even though it's really new it fits in perfectly with the landscape. Montu wasn't as good as I thought it would be honestly. I like alpenguist better. I went on Falcons fury which was extremely scary. Liked it. Felt like I was going to die. Gwazi just looked like a heap of wood I was like nah. I wish they moved the employee parking to somewhere else cause it's like "jungle, jungle, two story cement parking garage" and it give it like an icky corporate feeling like it least paint it to fit in or something idk. I was also underwhelmed by the safari too honestly like I know it's an open air train but all there really is is like wildabeest and gazelles with a giraffe thrown in. Congo River Rapids was so boring I didn't get wet at all until the waterfall. It just wasn't fun. They had a dj outside the crown colony/cheetah hunt playing loud rap/pop music and I was like this doesn't seem to exactly fit the theme of Busch gardens like what happened? I was also surprised about how many people from different countries there were. I heard French speakers, Arabic, Japanese, Mexican, England, and Indian. So my entire day was really good.
  10. Alpengeist is brutal. It needs those vest restraints BADLY. I've never head anyone say Rougarou is rough, just a slight rattle at the end like Dominator. I think alpenguist is extremely smooth except for the cobra roll, and I thought rougarou was smooth but boring. I think dominator is extremely smooth too.
  11. Oh hon mean streak wasn't even as bad as grizzly. But grizzly wasn't as bad as hurler in the last row. Hurler needs work cause I love the layout but it's unridable.
  12. Yes. If it were at Disney or Universal it would be terrible but for a regional, seasonal park that ride is top notch. I agree with it a lot. It could be twice as good, but its so good for this park.
  13. When I was there the area really didn't look that big to me. Could they really fit a huge dive coaster there? It just seems really cramped.
  14. Please spoil yourself, the lines even with a fp+ can get up to 45 mins, especially on a Saturday and Friday I bet. Also 100% get the fastpass PLUS, because the extra $20 is worth it.
  15. Someone said they give a fastpass to people but idk about like 2-3+ hours. Maybe a new ticket?
  16. I find this very hard to believe. Usually if a ride breaks down, and it is down for more than 30 minutes... with riders stuck on the ride they will evac the riders off the trains. Also, Raptor... down for 2 hours??? Usually it's down for about 20-40 minutes... Not 2 hours. Seriously??? This may be one of the most ignorant things I have ever read. Maverick... with terrible capacity??? Ha. NO!! Just... NO. Maverick has a capacity of 1,200 riders per hour. That is not exactly LOW. For comparison Millennium Force has a capacity of 1,300 riders per hour, and people always rave about how MF has great capacity. 1,200 riders per hour is not "terrible." It may not be the 2,000 riders per hour that Magnum has... But it is by no means "terrible." I'm so serious about the raptor breakdown I checked the times. The first time I saw it, it was around 3, and someone went up the straits then back down them, but they didn't evac the riders. By 6 the train was gone (I didn't stand to watch this was just me looking from time to time) and by 7 they were running empty trains. Maverick had a hour and a half line without fastpass (probs around 2 or more hours) and the fp+ line was about an hour, neither of the lines were moving, and if they did move, they moved about 3 steps for every 5 mins.
  17. So I went to the point on Tuesday and dragster broke down while I was in the middle of an hour long line, maverick is a beautiful coaster and they should build more of them, gatekeeper is better in the front than the back, magnum needs.......something, mean streak isn't as rough as anyone says it is, force goes fast, is smooth, and is more reridable than i305, raptor broke on the lift and had people stranded for about 2 hours, rougarou was whatever, and I went on power tower, which was my first drop tower. That was cool. So all in all it was a good day but man does maverick have a terrible capacity.
  18. I'm going to cedar point tomorrow and I'm really excited and I hope it doesn't rain and not all of the rides are broken down.
  19. Ok and then after force just go down to gatekeeper and twister or would those have lines too. I haven't been to this park since 2007 and I didn't ride anything and I only have a bit of time here sorry lol
  20. Ok so I don't really think I'll need it I was planning on getting there around opening and going straight to millennium force, then maverick, then XLC, then dragster, then head down to the entrance rides, and then just do the smaller rides/resides. We'll only be there until about 7(?) I think until we have to drive to Michigan is this the right plan?
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