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Everything posted by bigcwd2000

  1. Thank-you Bert and Canobie Coaster. I appreciate your responses. I will definitely plan to go Sunday.
  2. My wife and I are planning a trip to San Antonio for three days this upcoming week. We will be in town Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (12/20-12/22). How busy does this park normally get around this time of year? Which day would you recommend we go to the park or does it really matter? We do have Six Flags season passes. We are also planning on going to Sea World one day and to the downtown area attractions another day as well. I appreciate any feedback.
  3. I am planning to be at Knoebels this coming Friday the 22nd for the entire day. Would you recommend that I get a ride all day plan? If so, is the $49.00 the cheapest way to do this? I appreciate the advice in advance.
  4. I am making plans to go to Kings Dominion this coming Sunday April 1st and Monday April 2nd. I was just curious what the lines have been like at Twisted Timbers on opening weekend? I am planning to buy a Fastlane pass on Sunday if needed as I don't get to visit this park very often. Also, how are the crowds usually during the week of Spring break?
  5. I am very happy to see this park continue to do well. Looks like some nice additions for next season. I look forward to my future visits to this park.
  6. I really enjoyed reading this report. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Your pictures are always great. Thank-you for sharing them. I really enjoy your reports.
  8. I love this report. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos. I attended Coastermania! as well and had the time of my life. You did a great job capturing everything the boat cruise had to offer and more.
  9. I am planning on making my first trip to Waldameer on Saturday, June 3rd. I will be at the park sometime after 5:00 pm and want to ride the coasters and get multiple rides in on Ravine Flyer II. Will this be possible? How busy is the park on a Saturday this time of the year? Any other must-do rides at this park? Any advice will be appreciated.
  10. Amazing pictures! I enjoyed them very much. Thanks for sharing them.
  11. First, I enjoyed your report. Second, I feel the exact same way you do about Fury 325. What a freaking fun ride. I can't wait until my next visit to Carowinds sometime this season.
  12. You may want to try and plan a trip back to Cedar Point. They have added some fantastic rides to their lineup since Magnum. If you make plans in advance to attend Cedar Point at times when the crowds are light (week before Memorial Day, first few weeks in June, and week before Labor Day) you should have no problem riding all of the coasters in a day. However I think you need at least two days at Cedar Point to fully enjoy everything. Also, if you can budget the extra money for Fast Lane you can easily do all of the coasters (with many re-rides) and more flat rides with minimal waits all day.
  13. Great report so far. I enjoyed reading your experience. Adventureland is high on my list of parks that I want to visit.
  14. This. Check out my trip report on page 148 of this thread ThemeParkJunkie. It was my first ever visit to the park and I loved Shivering Timbers so much that it is in my top three wooden coasters ridden and top ten overall. It was very smooth and offered airtime after airtime after airtime. A great coaster.
  15. Here is a photo I took on my last visit to Six Flags over Georgia.
  16. This. I was there for Physics day this year, on Thursday and Friday, and the park was slammed. Valravn had 1.5-2 hour waits, Millennium Force was over an hour, Maverick was over an hour, and Top Thrill was around an hour. Even Raptor had hour waits throughout the day. I did purchase Fast Lane passes and the line for Valravn was a walk-on, and Maverick was a walk-on. Raptor was a few minutes with Fast Lane. It was a good purchase for me but only because I usually only visit the park once a year and I wanted to ride and re-ride coasters. I would think the week before Memorial day weekend would be a good time to visit the park in May.
  17. Yeah I also put it in my overall top ten as well and as my number three wooden coaster. I didn't think it was possible but the ride really exceeded my expectations. There is so much airtime everywhere on all those hills. It felt like riding a wooden version of a B&M hyper but better. The first couple laps I took on the ride I thought it had a mid-course brake (since I was sitting in the back/middle and could not see the track). To my surprise when I sat in the front row and the train approached the elevated flat area mid-ride I was shocked the train did not stop and just sailed through the course. It put a smile on my face.
  18. I was able to make my first ever visit to Michigan's Adventure this past Saturday, June 25th. I asked for advice about this visit and the members of this forum delivered. Thank-you members of this forum for your advice. In appreciation for that advice I am going to share with you my first ever TPR trip report. I knew going into this visit pretty much what to expect with this park. I had low expectations and I came away happy after my visit. As far as roller coasters go there is Shivering Timbers and everything else. Wolverine Wildcat was alright and Thunderhawk wasn't bad either. It was the best Vekoma SLC I have ever ridden (if that is saying anything - in this case it is because I actually enjoyed it). I did not visit the waterpark during my visit but it did look nice. The rapids ride also looked nice. I thought the big lake in the middle of the park was a nice touch. I especially liked the fact they put two attractions that utilize the lake: Swan Boats and Bumper Boats. I wasn't able to ride either of them but if I had more time I definitely would have. The trabant ride looked neat for a flat ride. I really enjoyed the Ferris Wheel and the views it offered of the entire park. Here are some more thoughts: The Good: Shivering Timbers Crowds were great for a Saturday (never waited more than 20 minutes for anything) Weather was nice (low to mid 80’s with a good breeze) Thunderhawk was decent (best SLC I have ever ridden) Shivering Timbers was smooth and easily a top 10 wooden coaster Huge lake in middle of the park with Swan Boats and Bumper Boats Bought an on-ride photo for $8 Rode all 7 coasters in under three hours Trabant flat ride looked cool Ferris Wheel was a nice way to see the entire park Shivering Timbers was a walk-on in the afternoon Got in 10 laps on Shivering Timbers (can you tell I loved Shivering Timbers?) The Not So Good: Park is off the beaten path for most My lunch was just ok (slice of pizza, bosco stick, and 20oz soda for $10) Could not find any decent Shivering Timbers shirts (maybe I didn’t know where to look?) Did not see a decent merchandise shop anywhere (again, maybe I just didn’t know where to look?) Operations were a little slow at times Wish they had a second train on Wolverine Wildcat (understand why they don't though) Path dead ends by Shivering Timbers and Thunderhawk I very much enjoyed my first ever trip to Michigan's Adventure. If I would have had more time there then I would have ridden more flat rides and water rides. Since my time was limited I focused on riding the 7 coasters and getting many laps on Shivering Timbers. I also rode the Timbertown Railway and the Ferris Wheel. As you can tell from my trip report Shivering Timbers is a GEM of a ride and I LOVED it! It is essentially THE ride that sealed my decision to drive the 6 hours North to visit Michigan's Adventure (I was at Kentucky Kingdom the previous day). It may be the coolest coaster I have ever seen entering an amusement park. I know there are the likes of GateKeeper and Fury 325 but Shivering Timbers was special in its own right. I will also say that for a traditional wood coaster built as high, fast, and long as it is very smooth. Kudos to Cedar Fair for keeping it that way. I was able to grab 10 laps on it during my visit and ranked it in my top 5 wooden coasters ridden. Some final thoughts: I think it would be great if Michigan's Adventure would add another great coaster to their lineup in the future (this is just the coaster enthusiast in me talking so I understand if it isn't a feasable thing to do for this park). Can you imagine just how much better this park would be with a ride like Lightning Run, Intamin Mega-lite or a custom RMC coaster? Hopefully someday they will get a nice new coaster to compliment Shivering Timbers. It would be nice if they could extend a pathway from Shivering Timbers over to where Thunderhawk is located, making a complete circle around the lake. Maybe they could even build another great coaster to put back in that area too (I know, just the coaster enthusiast in me talking). What a sight driving in Look at those hills! I finally made it This is why I am here Bumper Boats The lake was a neat aspect of this park Nice looking raft ride I see you Shivering Timbers Wolverine Wildcat So much land to build that new coaster The Swan Boats were a nice touch I enjoyed the views from the Ferris Wheel Look at all of that concrete! Oh and Corkscrew Timbers queue around 4pm Saturday = Happy Me Took a few panoramic shots Really liked the lake I mean seriously, this ride is incredible! This coaster goes on forever Airtime machine! Yup, it was worth the drive...I'm on the right looking crazy
  19. How busy does this park get on a Saturday? I am only interested in riding the roller coasters with the hopes of riding Shivering Timbers multiple times. I would be at the park at open and only be able to spend 3-4 hours in the park. Would this be a possibility on a Saturday without Fast Lane? Or is Fast Lane advised? Thanks in advance for the help.
  20. Great report. I really enjoyed it. This was a park I grew up going to as a teenager for many years. Amazing how awesome it looks now compared to just three short years ago. I am so happy it has been restored to a great park again. I look forward to my visit this coming Friday.
  21. Coasterbill, your review of Fury is exactly how I feel about the ride. It is an amazing coaster.
  22. Thanks for the trip reports. They are great. I love this park and cannot wait until I can visit again sometime in the future.
  23. My family and I are planning on attending the park on July 4th. Will the park be slammed that day or somewhat reasonable?
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