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Everything posted by coastercoaster5

  1. Is this a new size track for B&M? There is the giant dive loop track and the regular track. This seems in between both. Am i wrong?
  2. Full throttle's loop. SOOOO much hang time up their. And at night, its an awesome view.
  3. You are in Las Vegas. There is a super target there. You are standing on the left of El Loco which soft opened today and you shared a POV of it on the Adventurdome discussion thread. Also, may flights fly into Las Vegas.
  4. Adventuredome commented on their most recent post saying the results for the contest will be revealed friday.
  5. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=398393753637344&set=vb.120046691472053&type=3&theater
  6. Definatly: Cedar Point Kings Island SFMM Knotts Berry Farm Universal studios Hollywood Pacific Pier Maybe: Disney's California Adventure/Disneyland Adventuredome Not the best of chances but still maybe: SFDK Very unlikely: Californi's great America SWSD SFOT SFFT
  7. Went to the mountain from 2:15-closing. YOLOcoaster: Dispatches were actually a bit quicker from recent experiences. Line took 20 minutes. Tatsu: Dispatches seem quite slow. Line took 25-30 minutes. Riddlers: Line was so long i had to do single rider. I was on the front row of the first train that came in! Sweet! Scream: Train 1 ran flawlessly. Train 2 ran like a confused bucking bronco. S:EFK: Rode it twice. No wait. LL:DOD: Rode one with long wait so i used single rider. Apocalypse. I rode this three straight times and the two in the second row were pretty rough but he one on the second to last row was pretty smooth. All in same train. X2: I finally got my friend to ride it cause he hates how painful it is. I told him it just cam back from a """refurb""" And it should be fine. I WAS RIGHT. SMOOTHEST RIDE IV'E EVER HAD ON IT! AMAZING!!!!! Great day at the park!
  8. I really hope the on board audio is nice and not some piece of crap random mix of loud noises.
  9. Xcellerator's station at Knotts Berry Farm has only five gates for a ride with 10 rows. Each gate is for each car. This means that four people enter at once. It is a battle to get the front of the two rows.
  10. 3. Cheetah Hunt 2. Bizarro (SFNE) 1. El Toro Honorable mentions include: X2, Montu, Sheikra, Tatsu, YOLOcoaster, Kingda Ka,
  11. Is Club TPR a lifetime membership or do i have to renew it every year for the same price?
  12. Colossus at SFMM getting and RMC I Box Treatment on one side and keeping one side as it is now. The coaster is running great it it will be a shame to see the whole thing go. OR... two dueling RMC's. Names: Iron colossus, Colossus Revamped, Colossus reborn, Colossus Steel coaster.
  13. Yes i was wondering this too. As far as i am aware, it is not mentioned anywhere.
  14. Sometimes the guys operating Tatsu at SFMM. If you are lucky they will rap the whole time.
  15. Manis at Cedar Point was originally planned to be named Banshee but was changed because it was "offensive".
  16. Off topic, i know, but does any one know what the bonzai pipelines will look like and what tower it/they will be on? Is it one or more pipelines? And despite it's effort to look good, SFMM is still awesome.
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