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Everything posted by FaithPlus1

  1. If he is consistently ignoring rules it his fault and i don't feel bad. Now the park and all amusement park visitors will pay for his stupidness. His white trash family will sue for millions. If it comes out that he's a kid that does good for everyone around him and the accident is legitimately the rides fault I will apologize. He's as stupid as the dumb ass that got Raptored.
  2. I'd be willing to bet this kid is an overall pain in the ass. Id love to hear from neighbors, teachers, and anyone else who knows this kid. I imagine he rarely follows any rules . I could be wrong but I'd bet money he and his family are a huge pain in the ass. I feel bad for neither of them. It's easy to ignore rules but most of us take the time to learn the rules and do the right thing. Please let us see an interview with this family.
  3. ^Come on man!!! We are talking about Las Vegas! None of those coasters are needed to draw people to Vegas. They are just nice compliments for coaster enthusiasts if you do go! Most of my friends would never know or could care less about those coasters if i hadn't had an interest in them. Also, I disagree that Desperado blows them away. Thats certainly a matter of opinion and you are entitled to it.
  4. that's because it isn't always open -- not even during the weekend POSTED hours. sometimes you go out there, and it's not running. if they promoted it (and hopefully continue to maintain it).. it would be a draw for the casino, I'd think. But it's SBNO at least 5 days a week, and only operates for a few hours on the days it IS open. I disagree. I believe the reason they haven't maintained it or kept it open more because it isn't a big draw anymore. Why would someone go out of their way to ride an old Desperado when they can find better much closer?
  5. You guys remember when that idiot jumped the fence and got Raptored?! Then more idiots said Valravyn's name would be changed because of it?!! Seems like it was just yesterday
  6. WOW!!! Looks freakin awesome! So jealous of the test riders.
  7. This thread is weird. Same kid posting pics asking people to tell him the name if the ride.
  8. Great PTR What a great read! Glad you guys had fun. The pumpkin display is surprisingly fun to look at.
  9. You might want to see a doctor about blood pressure and circulation, bud. I'm not knocking you, I'm serious. If you're blacking out that easily after they re-profiled the turn you might have bigger problems. ^This
  10. I agree 100%. I will skip it every time. Same with Vortex at KI. I regret riding every time I get off. Never had a ride beat me up so bad and I have a high tolerance for pain.
  11. Brick Tamland predicts major rain showers. Keep your fingers crossed.
  12. I think this was the ride featured on Beverley Hills Cop 3! Kings Island had one as well.
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