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Everything posted by FaithPlus1

  1. Yes and I know you don't always trust a video rendering, it just seems like a lot of momentum just to be stopped. Just a thought.
  2. They really don't until you look closely at Raptor next to Valravn. As I like explaining it to people, is to imagine Power Tower being above the Marina Gate. That's about where the top of the ride will be. Then imagine GateKeeper's first drop coming out towards the midway, as that is about the size of the Immelman turn. I agree its the perfect setting for a Dive Coaster at CP. If I had to nitpick, I'd say there is a lot of wasted potential energy going into the brake Run. I feel like it could have been steeper and taller leading up to it. Then we wouldt need the brakes as much. Other than that I'm super excited. I bet contraction will go fast on this one.
  3. Damn this park has so much potential. When I look at some of those pics, I really think Six Flags should be giving this park SFMM financing. I know each park is ran separately, but GADV could easily turn into one of the best parks in the US.
  4. Great report Bill! That backstage tour looked like a lot of fun. Sucks to hear about the crowd. It seems everyone thinks they have the right to complain about everything.
  5. Only if it has a tunnel or a splashdown. If it doesn't have one of those, it's garbage. Haha!!!! Classic!
  6. Those giant topspins are freaking dope!!! I wish there were more of them. Ki getting rid of Crypt was silly, but then again I don't know the finances behind it.
  7. This is a stupid comment. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. . . No need to call them stupid because you don't agree with them. At least ZDT's is building something unique, and first of its kind. Not just a bigger version of something every other park already has. No seriously, it was a stupid comment. I apologize none. This ride is neat looking but not all that innovative. I think its a perfect small park addition and I can't wait to hear rider reviews. But Cedar Point? Come on!!! Build This next to Valravn and see which ride gets all the attention! His stupid comment was nothing more than a trolling attempt to take a shot at Cedar Point!
  8. I'm sorry guys but Fireball was clearly being racist. All the reason in the world to riot. Jesse and Al are on their way.
  9. Lmao!! We need to start a thread on Griffon's awkward spray! That damn Griffon sprays all over!
  10. I'm gonna be honest, Diamondback's splashdown is even more pointless than Griffon's. Honestly they don't really do anything for the ride experience, and it's purely visual, which you can't even see unless you're not on the ride. It also serves a mechanical purpose, acting as a brake though Shambhala's isn't even natural Disagree, both splashdowns are awesome and provide a good visual for spectators. I like them both.
  11. by DonkeysWaffles » Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:46 pm by Furion » Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:01 pm c Compilation of idiot name-change posts!
  12. Sadly this is what I first think of when SFMM is mentioned. I see this everytime I've been to the park.
  13. This would be about as stupid as some park changing the name of their new ride due to some idiot getting hit and killed by a green inverted coaster that is right next door to the construction zone.
  14. I heard from Coaster Studios that the ladder was removed until it gets a new name due to the Raptor accident at CP.
  15. You guys, I'm sitting here thinking about how awesome it is that they are actually giving Revolution this kind of love. I think this is the most underrated SF announcement this year.
  16. I agree with you here. It doesn't ruin the ride for me at all, but I do notice it and it seems to really bother a lot of people. Just seems like something that can be fixed during winter/maintenance. Then again I think KB explained it rather well.
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