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Everything posted by FaithPlus1

  1. How do you fix a rattle on a coaster. Most rides are born smooth. Then they grow up and inherit this rattle. Isn't there something that can do to the trains to remedy this?
  2. Wow!!! These are great additions to the park. If you have never ridden one of these frisbee rides, i bet you will love it! You guys are getting 3 new rides and even better, they don't include a stupid Larson Loop
  3. This has been explained time and time again. Is there really a need for another explenation of this topic? People are going to believe what they want, they will realize they were wrong come announcement time. Oops. Never saw the first poster thing. Now I feel like an idiot. But no need to be dicks guys, seriously. It was a mistake. Man up girlfriend. Nobody was being a dick to you. It's just that you and all the trolls that keep bringing up a name change are annoying.
  4. If S&S can build a 220ft version of Batman from SFFT, I don't see how anyone could be disappointed. In fact I think it would look great adjacent to the lake. I may be in the minority, but I would rather it be a free spin than have those spinning mechanisms throughout the ride. I'm pretty darn pumped for this announcement.
  5. I grew up in Howell, NJ, 10 miles from Great Adventure. Now I'm in Vegas working for Cirque. Oh, Kewl! Your so much better than everyone else now that you live in Vegas:)
  6. They should change the name of the ride to Fence Jumper or Suicide Raptor
  7. I was gonna comment a few hours ago on these stupid claims that B&M's have no airtime but I was in such awe that I just walked away. I 'm glad I did because I think you said it better than I would have.
  8. The back seat on WT is one of the most underrated experiences. I like all these impulses. Same goes for the Deja Vu Coasters. I wish SFMM could have made it work.
  9. I actually really love the S&S towers such as Superman at SFOT. However I love Drop Zone at both KI and KD. I've never rode a Larson drop ride but you guys have me wanting the experience. I'm a believer that when you are on a drop ride you don't notice much a difference of height. You just know your way off the ground! I guess I'm just a big fan of drop towers and now I really wanna try a Larson version.
  10. One of the best parts of TPR are the amazing Trip Reports. It doesn't matter what park it is, I can always enjoy a good TR. With this being said, I have never enjoyed the pics and commentary as much as yours! So many pics to comment on! Of course the TTD one is awesome! The pics from across the lake. The Ferris Wheel through Raptor's loop. The sunset looking like an eye. The consecutive pics of Snake River Falls on its splashdown. I can go on and on! Thanks for sharing and I look forward to future reports from you.
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