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Everything posted by leeojUK

  1. Just seen The Wolverine Pro: Great mid-credits scene Cons: No memorable villain An uninteresting sub-plot regarding a Japanese family business Slowly paced Lack of fun Draws too much attention to the fact that Wolverine as a character works better in an ensemble
  2. Added a few people, hope you don't mind. Need to get me some progress in this game! Looking forward to the Krustyland update. Wouldn't a 3D perspective of the town be cool, google map street view style? Not possible on the servers I know, but just a thought
  3. Irrespective of causes and media coverage, a traumatizing event for her family/friends and some of those around the coaster/park at the time. I can not begin to imagine what they're all going through, I hope they get the support and help they need
  4. Same for me, I wasn't aware of what it would be like. Horrible.
  5. Dragon Khan when I was 14 started it off for me. Then multiple trips to Alton Towers furthered it, namely Nemesis
  6. Not long been playing this, determined to get 60 donuts for Hans Moleman (favourite character) user: lee_johnso758
  7. Going to Thorpe Park one weekday on the week of the 15th July, so there will probably be a lot of school trips as it's the last school week. Wondering if it's worth getting the £20 Full Thottle fastrack? Or if anyone can offer any general advice, I'd appreciate it. The Ultimate Fastrack for £70 is a ridiculous price!
  8. Most likely Thorpe Park mid-July when I'm down south in London. Never been to the park before, looking forward to it
  9. For all the abandoned couches or caravans in the countryside, why can't there be more interesting things like this. Not that I want people to dump old rides in fields, but at least it's a bit more compelling as to what it's back-story is
  10. ^ Good point Though if they can set up an effect in which when it goes dark, Sauron's "eye" appears at the top of the tower and moves. That would look visually impressive from a distance and the tower itself (day or night) would lure people to that area of the park. In theory.
  11. The barrel river ride from The Hobbit could easily be a flume ride Smaug the dragon/lonely mountain would definitely be a theme for a coaster An eagles based flat ride for kids is plausible A tower-based ride of Sauron's tower Options are endless, I'm intrigued anyway
  12. I'm also hoping that mine will be SW7 at Alton Towers First time I've looked forward to something new there in a while
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