Awesome trip report Neil. I hope to get to these parks at some point in the future. Glad you and Jason had a good time, I hope you stopped in his path to take photos many times!
^Seasons 3 & 4 are covering book 3 (ish). Though they have said that they are condensing the character arcs in the show from now on to speed things up a bit. Otherwise it would run for far too many seasons. The creators of the show have said they want it to run for 7 or 8 seasons. There are rumours of a movie or two to wrap it all up as well
My hopes for the show/potential movies/remaining books is that The Walkers battle the Dragons, the wall comes crashing down, Bran wargs a Dragon and The Hound battles The Mountain. My geeky wishlist.
I got the top of my little finger chopped off in a car door, but thankfully I can't remember that due to being 3 years old at the time. It was glued back on. The worst I can remember was getting bitten on the leg by a stray Alsatian in Ibiza when I was about 9 or 10; only one tooth broke flesh but it went about halfway through my leg as I was a scrawny kid. Didn't go near dogs for years after that!
My two rats, only had them about a month. Hard to take pictures of, they move fast. Skull is albino and therefore can't see very well so doesn't seem to want to come out of the cage; Bulk is the adventurous one of the pair, I'm his favourite climbing frame
I really enjoyed reading through the Song of Ice and Fire series so far. The only one I didn't quite enjoy reading was the fourth, A Feast for Crows; it was incredibly repetitive and focused purely on the least interesting characters. Overall, the series is so rich in story, fantastic stuff.
I think I prefer coke because it is the only one available in most places so I drink it more. But I can't really tell the difference between the two (don't hurt me )