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Everything posted by BigBomer

  1. Oh dearest Title Fairy, May I please have a title that relates to my lack of in real life social skills, Thank you.
  2. The Princess Bride is the greatest movie ever and you cannot convince me otherwise.
  3. Mello Yello is better than Mt. Dew, though I like both.
  4. Robin Hood and Elf said hi. Elf would like to tell you he's an Intamin.
  5. Or an invert that becomes a Flyer?? I think that would work better.
  6. Has to be, the video is from 1962 (one of it's 4 operating seasons) and it's the only mouse in park history.
  7. That dosen't seem right, perhaps some of that money was themeing?
  8. ^Why? I think it would be pretty cool. Not saying I want that particular coaster re-furbished though...
  9. The Ace of Swords - The Alan Parsons Project
  10. Fair warning, not very many rides were open today due to the cold.
  11. The ones I use the most are Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. Twitter is probably the best though.
  12. James Avery, the man who played Uncle Phil on Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, died yesterday at the age of 65.
  13. It's a State landmark so they can't... they could strip it and run though....
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