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Everything posted by mickske

  1. There will be a log from the chat posted on the forums afterwards, as usual, I believe.
  2. I was at Parc Asterix last year in september on a weekday. TDZ queue was 15-20 minutes and we rode it 6-7 times. Gouderix queue was 30-45 minutes and we rode it once. The bobsled (can't recall the name) was 10-15 minutes aswell and we rode it 5 times, or something. Fun day, nice park.
  3. Woohaa, ERT on rides like that during the night sounds frggin' awesome! Glad to see you're all having fun (again). Enjoy your trip.
  4. Great video, enjoyed it alot, aswell as all the mini updates that Robb has given us. I hope that, one day, when I make some money of my own and I can afford these trips myself, I will be able to join you guys!
  5. Great pictures, great comments. Awesome trip report. Looking forward to see the rest of your trip.
  6. Port Aventura, because it's close to Salou. Although you might be a little to young to go out there.
  7. You guys are INSANE, hehe, in a good way ofcourse. I guess I will consider the mini-europe trip as it's very close to home, cheap(er). Easier to convince my parents, hehe. Keep up the awesome work!
  8. I don't have my Wii yet, as I'm from Europe. Will europe wii's be able to contact us wii's?
  9. Well, it does look like his p*nis, it's disgusting. Euw. This looks like a really nice trip guys (and girls). One day, when i'm big, have money of my own and a wife, I'm looking forward to these kind of trips aswell. Hope you enjoy the parks/fairs today. Thanks again for the daily updates, it's really nice you're willing to putt so much work into it every day... especially spending time updating us when Elissa is waiting in bed for you. You're great!
  10. Awesome pictures, and trip reports as usual. I can't wait for the video's! Seems like you all had a lot of fun there, I'm jealous.
  11. He's 14 and from Singapore, I can understand his parents.
  12. I'm from Belgium, and I'm very interested in doing such a trip, though it would feel awkward spending 2 weeks with 3 complete strangers. Not sure what/how you feel about it.
  13. My dad, a friend of mine, and myself (du'uh!) had a visit to Parc Asterix. This is the first parc (except Disneyland in Florida that we visitted when i was young) that i visit outside my own country, Belgium. This means I have a lack of coaster experience and it might make my opinion more or less interesting, you decide! The reason I wanted to visit Parc Asterix was it's theming (which I won't go in to) and their 3 thrill rides: Goudurix, Tonnere de Zeus and Trace du Hourra!. * Goudurix I did some digging before going to this parc ofcourse, and the general opinion about this 7-loop vekoma baby is that's probably one of the most painfull coasters in the world, and that made me really curious to ride this monster. By looking at the coaster we decided not to ride it in the front seat since that looked really rough, so we had a ride in the middle and the backseat (which seems to be the spot to ride Goudurix in). So what can I say? Goudurix is painfull, it's very painfull, which is too bad because the track layout is very cool, and it has some nice elements and speed... Make this ride smooth and it's good! * Tonnere de Zeus Again, due to my lack of coaster experience I don't really have alot of wooden coasters to compare to... but I'll try to describe what I thought of this coaster, try, because it's hard to describe how awesome this coaster was for me in words. This ride has everything a good woodie needs, in my opinion: A good first drop, lots of hills, good airtime, great speed all over the ride, and it's a long track. I just loved this coaster, so much that I could ride it forever. This was the best ride the parc had to offer us! * Trace du Hourra "Wow, that looks super" said my friend when he saw Trace du Hourra. My first bobsled coaster made me a big fan of them bobsleds after the first ride, I mean, who can say no to that many helixes? The ride was very smooth and had very good speed, and it was quite long already. The queue went so fast you could basicly run into the trains when you wanted to ride it, which made me ride it quite a few times! Up to the pictures: http://users.pandora.be/micky/asterix/DSC00438-1.jpg The big asterix on top of the mountain! http://users.pandora.be/micky/asterix/DSC00489-1.jpg Some nice themed towers http://users.pandora.be/micky/asterix/DSC00557-1.jpg Le splash geant, it wasnt that big though. http://users.pandora.be/micky/asterix/P1010587.JPG The track layout of Goudurix http://users.pandora.be/micky/asterix/P1010626.JPG The first drop at Goudurix http://users.pandora.be/micky/asterix/P1010589.JPG Zeus! http://users.pandora.be/micky/asterix/P1010591.JPG http://users.pandora.be/micky/asterix/P1010592.JPG Some bad pictures taken from the Zeus lifthill http://users.pandora.be/micky/asterix/P1010616.JPG Trace du Hourra So far my first little trip report. I apologize for any grammatical and spelling errors, for a lack of content (because of experience), etc etc!
  14. ... you yell Theme Park Review For THe Win in a bobsled coaster when your friend behind you is making a PoV. True story, i'll get the movie up soon, I hope!
  15. Mmm, how far is the ride by car from Brussels to this park? Looking for some other parks to go to this summer after going to Parc Asterix 2 days ago, and it's probably going to be Six Flags Holland and this one if it isn't too far by car.
  16. 2 hour line for TTD? I'd never stand 2 hours in line for 1 coaster... I just can't stand still for that long.
  17. I love Loro Parque I like Aqua land aswell I love tenerife! We go there once a year.
  18. You tricked me. I thought this thread was about Smoking in Parcs or something. Hah! I should learn to leat the little yellow text beneath topic titles.
  19. Darn, this is like the "dream trip of my life". Waterparks for the win.
  20. The theming in this park looks awesome.
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